rehab center

Where Can I Find Drug Rehabs in Los Angeles, California?

Question by ADAMARIS B: Where can I find drug rehabs in Los Angeles, California?
My dad have been a drug user since I was 12. Am so sad that I can’t spend some time bonding with him because he’s always drugged. I want to help him so that our family will be whole again.

Best answer:

Answer by anahi i
Don’t worry, you can easily find drug rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles. Aside from rehab centers, you can also find clinics and medical centers. Go to any counseling services in your area so that you will be informed about the treatments available. Good luck! And I hope your family supports your father so that he can recover fast.

About Drug Rehab and Clinic … ?

Question by Gracie: About drug rehab and clinic … ?
Hello my best friend is now is a clinic.
She is in and out for a long time..from cocaine (witch she is using for 7 years) and alcohols..etc, she is taking cocaine every 5 min and a bottle of vodka every 30 min..first I thought it is a joke but it wasn’t.
I am paling to go and look after her, but the problem is now.
What can the clinic do? and if you (or some one you know) ever been in a rehab please tell me what they really do to help you.
Thank you!

Does Anyone Know of Any FREE Rehab Centers?

Question by Sammi: Does anyone know of any FREE rehab centers?
I’ve been trying to find one for a family member for awhile now who does not have the money to pay for it, if anyone knows of any free treatment centers PLEASE share

Best answer:

Answer by nanu
i dnt kw bt in nepal there is one ,” tape rehab”

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How the Brain Activity Is Linked to Sleep ?

Question by Sharp Shooter: How the brain activity is linked to sleep ?
plz explain the mechanism . Thanks .

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Need Help Finding a Drug Rehab Clinic for My Mom.?

Question by Jamie R: Need help finding a drug rehab clinic for my mom.?
My mom is on drugs, not sure what kind or anything she just called and said she wanted to get cleaned. That’s the first step right, so how can I get her the help she is going to need?? We live in Denison, Texas and I have no Idea where to start….IF you help me I will give you advice and comment your questions. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
thanks so much!!!

Best answer:

Desperate Housewives Fanatics?

Question by Retro_Reactive: Desperate housewives fanatics?
I’m watching the first few episodes of Desperate Housewives.

I can’t remember (it seems so long ago hehe) but why did Mary Alice kill herself? Or has that not been revealed yet?

Best answer:

Answer by A.
I don’t think you find out until near the end of the first series. Keep watching =)

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Alcohol Rehab Treatment Programs at Florida Centers – Good Future Drug Rehab Center in FL and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Programs is provided in a safe, nurturing and drug free environment. Good Future Best Drug Ab…