prescription drug

Internet Addiction?

Question by eyedocwood: Internet Addiction?
Wondering if anyone has any experience treating internet addiction and if so what methods were used. Are SSRI’s often used for this type of behavior?

Best answer:

Answer by Pam Ragland
Dear “Eyedocwood”,
Internet addiction is one of the fastest growing addictions today, because it is so available. I have experience with addictions of all kinds. I include Internet Addiction in my book “The 7 Whys of Addiction: The Hidden Secrets that Cause Addiction and The 3 Keys to Finally Be Free of Them”, because it is so prevalent today.

What Is a Good Thesis Statement Against Drug Abuse?

Question by Siera: what is a good thesis statement against drug abuse?
I am doing a persuasive essay concerning the impact that drug abuse has on addicts and close ones. I would appreciate any help. I really need a thesis statement to work around. Thank you for your time

Best answer:

Is Marijuana an “ok” Drug?

Question by Amber: Is marijuana an “ok” drug?
Some people think it’s ok to smoke weed, and a lot of times it’s socially accepted. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by superrelax
i’ve smoked herb for a long time. im healthy and successful…and i won’t be dying of cigarette-related cancer anytime soon, either. know the facts: there are zero reported marijuana induced deaths per year. AND i’ve never tried any other drugs in my life. so, if you want to label anything as dangerous, label the ones that warrant that label: alcohol and cigarettes. not to mention the people who find a better alternative to prescription drugs in marijuana to relieve pain caused by such things as cancer, glaucoma, MS…the list can go on.

Clomid Drugs?

Question by logirl: Clomid drugs?
I have been trying to conceive for more than 20 months, i wnt to try clomid without going to Hospital or hearing from my doctor, please wht is the implications

Best answer:

Answer by lynnguys
You should only be taking fertility drugs under the guidance of a physician. The only implications that I know of are the side effects and the high incidence of multiple births. I would think that any misuse of fertility drugs could dangerous (just look at the warning label on most birth control pills!). I have a friend that had triplets after only one cycle of Clomid. Be wise and see your doctor!

Why Do Most Teenagers Start Abusing Drugs?

Question by Fa La La La LA: Why do most teenagers start abusing drugs?
Any resources or websites you can give me on data would be greatly appreciated or your own opinion. Thanks! (:

Best answer:

Answer by Travis
using not abusing

Add your own answer in the comments!



Teenagers Abusing RX Drugs – Michelle Miller interviews teenagers who have admitted to using prescription drugs to get high, a growing trend that has prompted the DEA to initiate a natio…


Drug Addiction?

Question by ? Rachel The Great ?: Drug Addiction?
I have a brother who is 23 years old. He has had an addiction to drugs since he was 16 years old and he is going to move to chicago in a month or so to “change his life”. However, prior to leaving Florida, he has been experimenting with drugs that he has been having a problem with since he was 16. Is this in any way going to make him rehabilitate before he moves? I am worried about him. Do you have any suggestions? What should I do? I’ve approached the subject but I don’t think I am getting through 🙁 .
And it’s not like he is just smoking pot, he goes on cocaine binges and looses 500 dollars in one night because of it.