What Classes Will Prep Me for Law School?
Question by Mr. President: What classes will prep me for law school?
It will be my last semester at this college. Here is what I plan on taking. The first six classes are really what I am thinking about. I want to go become a lawyer and get a Masters in Healthcare law.
Drug Abuse and Society
General Biology and lab
Statistics A
Introduction to Criminal Law
History of Sports
Forensic Science
Philosophy of Law
Best answer:
Business Highlights
Business Highlights
Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist
Its seemingly detached response caused some security specialists to wonder whether the young company can handle the spotlight that it's been thrust into over the last year as its service has become enormously popular. —. Factory, construction … (AP …
Read more on Kansas City Star
Fingerprint Drug Screening to Be Trialled in Anglo-Finnish Opioid Drug …
Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist
Opioid substitution treatment involves the prescription of a regular dosage of opioid substitution medicine, usually buprenorphine or methadone, to patients with opioid dependence, such as heroin addiction. The oral medication is longer lasting and …
Read more on SelectScience.net (press release)
What Does It Mean When CPS Does a Home Visit 2 Times in One Case?
Question by RachieRoo: What does it mean when CPS does a home visit 2 times in one case?
What does it mean when CPS does a home visit 2 times in one case?
Okay so far we’ve had a school visit with me, a counselor, and a case worker, then we had a house visit in the middle of a Sunday night and now they came but we weren’t home. My dad got a call saying they’d be back. When they came earlier they left a notice saying “the child” (me) can be taken at any time by CPS without a court order or parental consent. What does all this mean? We have also had a previous case before with them. My mom has a history of drug abuse and recently called a hotline in a prescription drug abuse rampage. Please help me. Am I being taken?
How Dangerous of an Area Is Chicago (Loop, Lincoln)?
Question by Ty Zang: How dangerous of an area is Chicago (loop, lincoln)?
I know that crime is up in chicago and I am heading there this weekend. I hear the west and south side of the city is bad. We are going to be near Howard L station (red line) and visiting the loop, navy pier, etc.. we are planning on staying around those areas, maybe see lincoln park, maybe see the beach.
Are these areas pretty safe after dark? the hotel is near Howard red line. I seen AOL said that that place is sketchy at night. True?
How to Give Up Parental Rights to an Adopted Child?
Question by ”Camera~Ready”: How to give up parental rights to an adopted child?
Here’s the thing, my parents adopted my little brother about 8yrs ago, he was placed with us as a kid because my mom was a foster parent. He is now 17 1/2 yrs old. He was aloud by the courts to see his biological mom while growing up (when she wasn’t in jail or rehab) but at one point the courts got tired of his mother going in & out of jail & rehab so they permanently took her parental rights. So the court was going to put him in a group home but he was so much a part of our family that my parents decided to adopt him.
What Are Good Mental Heath Rehabs on the West Coast?
Question by Jesskah: What are good mental heath rehabs on the west coast?
Preferably in Washington or Oregon.
Best answer:
Answer by D.D
I think you are confused a little……there are no mental health rehabs just for mental health, rehabilitation places are usually related to drugs and addictions. Therapy and mental health clinics, and psyc wards in hospitals are for mental health treatments. You may benefit from a retreat of some kind that deals with mental health issues. The easiest thing to do is google mental health retreats, rehabs, and all that and then call and ask people for information specific to that area.Here are two sites for you.
hazelden.org therapistunlimited.com