prescription drug

What Does It Mean When CPS Comes Twice in One Investigation?

Question by RachieRoo: What does it mean when CPS comes twice in one investigation?
Okay so far we’ve had a school visit with me, a counselor, and a case worker, then we had a house visit in the middle of a Sunday night and now they came but we weren’t home. My dad got a call saying they’d be back. When they came earlier they left a notice saying “the child” (me) can be taken at any time by CPS without a court order or parental consent. What does all this mean? We have also had a previous case before with them. My mom has a history of drug abuse and recently called a hotline in a prescription drug abuse rampage. Please help me. Am I being taken?

Could I Have Mastocytosis or MCAS?

Question by Rusty: Could I have Mastocytosis or MCAS?
I have struggled with gastrointestinal problems for years: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, painful radiating abdominal cramps. I saw a pediatric gastroenterologist when I was an adolescent (I am now 22) and was checked for Crohn’s disease, ulcers, bacterial infections, etc. I am hypersensitive to foods (dairy, greasy or oily foods, high fat content foods) and sometimes get sick after heat and high activity exposure. Usually when I eat these foods, I get stomach pain that develops into diarrhea or nausea very quickly, sometimes before I am even done with the meal. I also was diagnosed with acid reflux disease and have unexplained bone pain and dizzy spells sporadically. When I was younger I used to get LARGE, red, itchy hives across my stomach area for unexplained reasons, but have not seen any in years. I was wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis (particularly that affecting the GI) and would like to know how and if I should get tested for this disease?

What Is a Solution to Prescription Drug Abuse in College?

Question by woof woof: what is a solution to prescription drug abuse in college?
i need to make up a proposed solution or policy to the problem of college students abusing prescription drugs like adderall or ritalin. can someone please help me? i need suggestions 🙂

thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Hulk

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Special Report: Prescription Drug Abuse Part II – They’re powerful opiate painkillers from pills to patches. And in the mountains of Haywood county around Waynesville parents feel misuse of prescription drug…

Serious Question About Someone Who Frequentlygets a Small Blood Blister?

Question by Kristy: Serious question about someone who frequentlygets a small Blood blister?
This is a serious question somone I know frequentlygets a small blood blister at tip of his thumb? I need to know If this is a symptom of drug abuse as he claims he doesn’t know how he gets them or used 2 say he hit it w a hammer at work but hasn’t done that type of work for a very long time.

Best answer:

Answer by A
it could be from flicking a lighter alot. Which could be a drug that is smoked

My Husband Is in Rehab… I Had to Idea.?

Question by Beth: my husband is in rehab… I had to idea.?
My husband was admitted to a rehab facility 60 miles away from me on Friday after walking to his unioon representative and telling them he had a problem. I had no idea but he had been taking xanax that was prescribed by a doctor since august, was taking them before that by getting them off the streets and has been on prescription pain killers (i knew that) for about a year but he runs out about 2 weeks early and gets them off the street. He has had an emtional relationship with another woman for the last 2 months through text messaging… all kinds of stuff is coming out now that he is there. I am going to an al-anon meeting locally on thursday but am having a really hard time finding support for people with family members who are abusing narcotic prescription drugs. Does anyone know of any online resources?? I live in Indiana…

My Brother Is Addicted to Meth,Any Way I Can Help Him and Save His Life?

Question by mustang: My brother is addicted to meth,any way I can help him and save his life?
Any thoughts on this evil drug is welcomed,Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by mobmam
report him to the police while he is still alive…?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Rehabilitation Centers in Chicago | Rehab Centers Chicago – Rehabilitation Centers in Chicago offers detox, counseling, and more for alcohol, drug, and prescription drug addiction in res…