medical marijuana

Why Is the DEA So Concerned About States That Have Already Approved Marijuana as a Medicinal Drug?

Question by Kewl_Prez: Why is the DEA so concerned about states that have already approved marijuana as a medicinal drug?
It seems to me that the DEA is sending in battalions of men and women to close medical marijuana facilities. Do the states not have sovereign rights? Here in California the DEA has spent MILLIONS on attempts to close legitimate dispensories. This mis-use of government funding could (and should) be put to better use patrolling our borders for smugglers of heroin or cocaine, or for eradicating the country of the legitimate blight of methamphetimines.

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Young People Link Mentoring to Significant Life Outcomes

Young People Link Mentoring to Significant Life Outcomes

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

The Mentoring Effect: Young People's Perspectives on the Outcomes and Availability of Mentoring, the first-ever nationally representative survey of young people on the topic of mentoring, examines the mentoring effect on youth, their aspirations and …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Buzzkill: A Chat with the Researcher Behind High-Free Weed

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

Sponsors Plan Hearings on Medical Marijuana Bill

Sponsors plan hearings on medical marijuana bill

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Five percent of the state's share of tax revenue would be provided to the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services for drug abuse prevention, counseling and treatment. The assemblyman said he expects all medical marijuana dispensed in New …
Read more on Legislative Gazette


Final regulations for the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

What Is a Good Thesis Statement About Drug Addiction ?

Question by Reginald Price: What is a good thesis statement about drug addiction ?
I have to write a 20 page paper on almost any subject but need to be more specific. It could be about the cause and effect of drug abuse over years at a time or it could be about addiction and its effect on the person’s relationships(including themselves). Im desperate right now, thanks (:

Best answer:

Answer by sandie
no one ever met a opiate drug that didn’t life it. the relationship subsumes all others. too bad all the others times are not good as the first time. every soon one simply uses to feel the new normal.

New Helpline From Drug Rehab Sayreville Gives a Voice for Young Addicts

New Helpline from Drug Rehab Sayreville Gives a Voice for Young Addicts

Filed under: drug abuse help

The helpline was created to give teens an opportunity to voice their concerns and questions to qualified addiction specialists. Peer pressure often plays a huge role in teenage drug abuse. Some may believe receiving help for substance abuse at a rehab …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Orchard Park mother joins fight for medical marijuana with her young daughter

Filed under: drug abuse help

Cuban: NBA Should Discuss Allowing HGH Use

Cuban: NBA should discuss allowing HGH use

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

Cuban isn't advocating the use of the controversial drug but rather calling attention to what he sees as a dearth of research on the topic as it relates to athletes who are recovering from injury. His hope, which he shared in front of the league's …
Read more on W*USA 9


Holder Makes Justice System Reform a Personal Goal

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc