los angeles

I Need Some Good Topics on Recent Illegal Human Experiments in the United States….?

Question by Raquel RAV: i need some good topics on recent illegal human experiments in the united states….?
i need help…i must find some incidents of cases on illegal human experiments conducted in the united states….doesnt need to be recent…but its prefered…..i need things like the tuskegee experiments and what not

Best answer:

Answer by Hans
1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

Hospital Improving Care for Drug-Impacted Babies

Hospital improving care for drug-impacted babies

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

The Wisconsin Prescription Drug Monitoring Program began in April collecting and storing drug prescription data across the state in an effort to prevent illicit prescription drug use and other crimes. Pharmacies and … The special program is working …
Read more on Green Bay Press Gazette


LA County Official Calls for Review of Drug Treatment Clinics

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

Do You Think Al Sharpton’s Going to Show Up at a Protest March . . . ?

Question by theskipper54: Do you think Al Sharpton’s going to show up at a protest march . . . ?
for Sarah Kreager, the Baltimore woman who was beaten by nine black kids?

Or will he and Jesse Jackson have more important things to do?

Best answer:

Answer by Donnie Mac
He and Jesse will probably show up at the 9 kids araignments.

What do you think? Answer below!



BALTIMORE, MARYLAND-Alcohol Treatment Center 1.wmv – http://www.transformationstreatment.com/alcohol-treatment/alcohol-treatment-in-baltimore-maryland/ Baltimore: cultural center of the state of Maryland, and w…




Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

Agency Profile: “ETCADA operates a community coalition, Kilgore Together, which provides a vast array of services and programs designed to create a safe, healthy, drug-free community. … “ETCADA's Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors provide …
Read more on Kilgore News Herald


Medical Edge: Considerations to make before resuming sexual activity after a

Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

If you're capable of mild to moderate activity without heart-stress symptoms, a cardiac rehabilitation exercise program is typically begun a week after a heart attack. This program increases exercise capacity and lowers the peak heart rate during …
Read more on Buffalo News

Abortion Cooties!

Abortion Cooties!

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

They're willing to make the sacrifice at their business because they care enough.” Which had the unfortunate effect of making it sound like anti-choicers had to avoid showers that … Feel free to speculate about how marrying a woman who settled for …
Read more on Raw Story


Put it on target: Handgun shooting fundamentals

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

Pictured: Crazed Driver With History of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Who Mowed Down

Pictured: Crazed driver with history of drug and alcohol abuse who mowed down

Filed under: drug addiction treatment in florida

The crazed driver who mowed down 11 people last week and killed an Italian honeymooner has a history of drug and alcohol abuse, it emerged today. Nathan Louis Campbell was arrested on Sunday after the hit-and-run in Los Angeles. Alice Gruppioni, 32 …
Read more on Daily Mail


Ambiguity, inaccuracy and the 'mentally ill'

Filed under: drug addiction treatment in florida