los angeles

Pope Trip to St. Francis' Town Highlights Goals

Pope trip to St. Francis' town highlights goals

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities in iowa

It was part of the simple message of love that he has brought to others often considered outcasts, such as drug addicts and convicts. His "who am I to judge?" comment about gays over the summer was another reflection of this message of merciful welcome.
Read more on KGAN TV


LA schools give every kid an iPad—what could go wrong?

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities in iowa

What Can I Do to Help My Dad With His Shopping Addiction?

Question by Aleah: What can I do to help my dad with his shopping addiction?
He buys stuff everyday and sometimes he buys stuff and he hides it. He bought three pairs of boots that were 500$ . And he told my mom we need to save money and then the next day he buys him self really expensive stuff. He even says he might have a shopping addiction is there an intervention for it?
I know this is a funny question but Is there a shopaholic interventionist?

Best answer:

A Pair of Fall Festivals

A Pair of Fall Festivals

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

There will be reading for kids, free books will be given out to help promote literacy, a display of trucks, an appearance by the county's Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) vehicle, free eye screenings, information on the Drug Abuse Resistance …
Read more on Valley Advantage


Obama energy nominee stopped in his tracks

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

While the post is generally non-controversial, Binz's nomination has encountered fierce resistance from both sides of the aisle over his past of actively promoting renewable energy use while he was Colorado's top utilities regulator. Binz came under …
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Thinking of Joining the ARMY but How Much Will the Army Help Me?

Question by alex: Thinking of Joining the ARMY but how much will the Army help me?
So im 21 years old. I work full time and i take classes on criminal law. But i only take 1-2 classes every semester because my job limits my availability for school. On top of that.. I only took 1 class throughout my college career. I just recently went back to school so thats why I’m late. Im not getting any younger and it would take me YEARS to complete school at the rate im going right now. I just want to start my life already instead of working paycheck to paycheck, you know what i mean? Anyways my ultimate goal is join LAPD Gang unit division but i understand LAPD is very strict when it comes to the hiring process. Although i dont have a criminal record, i have a dirty past when it comes to stealing and drug abuse. I have never messed around with hard drugs but i do smoke weed on the daily. I know I have to stop and i will no doubt about it. So i was thinking to myself, why am i working at a dead-end job when i can be getting paid about the same or possibly more PLUS benefits doing Military Police that will actually help me in my future of becoming a cop. But my question is, How much will Military Police help me in becoming a cop? and will i finish school by the time i get out of my 1st term in the military? I live in Los Angeles so Im wondering which country is the most common to be deployed to as MP? Also, can I just apply to any Police Dept right after i get out of the army? I was thinking LAPD but knowing how tough it is to get hired by LAPD, maybe i should start off with the low dept such as Torrance PD, Pasadena PD, or Santa Ana PD…Please help me Thanks…

Northpointe Celebrating and Taking Part in Recovery Month

Northpointe celebrating and taking part in Recovery Month

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

As part of the initiative to support those in recovery and to assist those seeking treatment it is important to understand the signs and symptoms of substance abuse and what constitutes drug dependency. The more common and noticeable warning signs for …
Read more on Niagara Gazette


California Bill Would Give Drug Users Treatment Instead Of Prison Time

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Photos: Recovery Day in Vancouver Celebrates Those Who Overcame Drug and

Photos: Recovery Day in Vancouver celebrates those who overcame drug and

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

This afternoon, I wandered down to the Vancouver Art Gallery to offer some moral support to the folks who've taken up the challenge of freeing themselves from drugs and booze. It's the second annual Recovery Day in Vancouver, which was cofounded by …
Read more on Straight.com (blog)


Michael Jackson's pain was real, doctor testifies

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities