los angeles

I Want to Be a Paramedic?

Question by [email protected]: i want to be a paramedic?
any current paramedics out there? if so, please give me a rundown of what a “typical” day would be like in the life of a paramedic.

Best answer:

Answer by abnxray
typical like a medic in a small town in Texas or a medic in Los Angeles ? if you have doubts, then its probably not for ya.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Olympia House | Sonoma, Marin and San Francisco Rehab Facility – The new television advertisement from the Olympia House addiction treatment program.

Can You Become a Pharmacy Technician With a History of Substance Abuse?

Question by Jay: Can you become a pharmacy technician with a history of substance abuse?
Hi I admitted myself to inpatient rehab for opiate substance abuse 3 times in the last 2 years. From what I understand that information is confidential. I no longer use illicit substances. Can I become a certified pharmacy tech? I live in OK, USA.

Best answer:

Answer by Mandy
On the pharmacy tech application, they ask if you habitually use alcohol, illegal or habit-forming drugs. Sounds like they ask if you currently use drugs. They ask you to complete an addendum with info about the situation. Do you think that you can handle working in this type of environment with your past history? I wouldn’t want to be tempted and just one slip up can be very bad.

This Day, December 2, in Jewish HIstory by Mitchell A. Levin

This Day, December 2, In Jewish HIstory by Mitchell A. Levin

Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis

1888: J. Harpman the Treasurer of Temple Shaari Tov in Minneapolis, was reported to have responded to questions about the distribution of money an “unknown New Yorker” sent for the benefits of destitute Jews living in Dakota by saying that “there is no …
Read more on Cleveland Jewish News (blog)


Critics' Picks

Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis

Emory Researchers Partner With Community Groups to Kickoff Atlanta HIV Study

Emory Researchers Partner With Community Groups to Kickoff Atlanta HIV Study

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Chicago

Current sites include: Bronx, New York; Brooklyn, New York; Chicago, Illinois; Washington, DC; San Francisco, California; Los Angeles, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Miami, Florida and Birmingham, Alabama. … Diseases …
Read more on atlantadailyworld


Doctors confirm: Use of flesh-eating opioid drug krokodil is spreading in US

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Chicago

What Is the General/simple Definition of Business Culture?

Question by jdm: What is the general/simple definition of business culture?
what should the business culture for a drug rehab facility be?

Best answer:

Who Is Heather Dylan?

Question by Katya A: Who is Heather Dylan?
I know she is Jakob Dylans kid but they keep everything so damn private I cant find any information on her

Best answer: