inpatient drug rehab

What Is the Difference Between Outpatient and Inpatient Drug Rehab?

Question by Benny: What is the difference between outpatient and inpatient drug rehab?

Best answer:

Answer by The Joker
an inpatient stays in the center whereas a outpatient goes home and returns for treatment

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


New treatment center helps shed misconceptions about Internet addiction

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers

The nation's first inpatient treatment program for Internet addiction opened this month in Bradford, Pennsylvania. It's a ten-day program that involves a thorough search for internet connected devices, a three-day quarantine, and hopefully a cure …

Parents Recount Son's Battle With Heroin Addiction

Parents recount son's battle with heroin addiction

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers

WAUSAU — On a sunny Saturday morning in March, Michael Dixon's family picked him up from the rehab facility he had entered six months earlier; they found a man filled with hope for a future free from the chains of heroin addiction. Less than 24 hours …
Read more on Appleton Post Crescent



Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers

Are There Any Adults Who Have Been Thru Oklahoma Juvenile Inpatient Drug Rehab and Does It Work?

Question by ok.ombudsman: Are there any adults who have been thru Oklahoma juvenile inpatient drug rehab and does it work?
My 17 1/2 year old son takes many pills and smokes green. It may be screweing up his college opportunities, which is something he wants. He has a religious background but has chosen to be an atheist. He also has a high IQ and a fiance. Outpatient services didn’t work for him, but he did find a coke dealer in a weeklong facility (fortunately not a drug he uses).

Best answer:

Blacksburg Lawyer Joseph Painter's Bond Could Be Revoked

Blacksburg lawyer Joseph Painter's bond could be revoked

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers

He was released on bond in March but was required to check into an inpatient treatment center for a period of time. In a recent interview with The Roanoke Times, Painter said he has since left that treatment program. His charges are scheduled to go …
Read more on Roanoke Times


Bona prof offers help for Internet addicted

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers

Twin Cities Best Entertainment Bets for Aug. 16-22

Twin Cities best entertainment bets for Aug. 16-22

Filed under: Drug Rehab Centers Chicago

As its title suggests, Trout covers some of the late Chicago blues guitarist's best-known songs and wraps it up with the original track, "When Luther Played the Blues." 9 p.m.; Famous Dave's BBQ and Blues, Calhoun Square, 3001 Hennepin Ave. S., Mpls …
Read more on Pioneer Press


Last dry South Dakota reservation voting on alcohol sales

Filed under: Drug Rehab Centers Chicago

How Many People Are in Drug and Alcohol Treatment Each Year in the US?

Question by lynsey: How many people are in drug and alcohol treatment each year in the US?
I am doing a research paper on drugs and alcohol for a college health class. Does anyone know a website that gives the number of people admitted each year to drug and alcohol center. I know it is a lot of people, but I need actually numbers, and a website to cite. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by waswisgirl1
In 2005, 1.3 million received treatment for the use of alcohol but not illicit drugs.