inpatient drug rehab

Roughly What % of People Will Relapse Within a Year From an Inpatient Drug Rehab Program?

Question by Joe: Roughly what % of people will relapse within a year from an inpatient drug rehab program?

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
12step rehabs have a slightly higher success rate than “free” AA, and they have about a 5% success rate at the end of one year, the same as quitting on your own.

Here’s a list of alcohol treatment methods, rated by effectiveness:
Note: twelve-step facilitation (rehabs) is # 37; AA is # 38.

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How Does Inpatient Drug Rehab Work?

Question by Janice: How Does Inpatient Drug Rehab Work?
A few questions. Only if you know the answer no guesses please. thank you. this is for somebody that was recently in jail.

Is this in a home that is supervised by a police officer or probation officer?

Is the home both male and female patients?

Is the patient allowed to leave the home whenever they want?

Is it actually effective?

Can the patient have a vehicle and cell phone?

Can the patient have company such as the opposite sex come visit them?

Best answer:

Long Term Rehab Facility for Alcohol and Drugs.?

Question by Iris: Long term rehab facility for alcohol and drugs.?
My uncle is finally ready to try to stop his long term drug and alcohol abuse. He needs a long term facility. We want to give him an intervention because we all know he wont do the research himself. Can anyone throw me some names of facilities that have reputable results. It can be anywhere in the US. I appreciate any suggestions.

Best answer:

Answer by domsmom
try googling it i;m sure you will come up with many things

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Does Anyone Have Any New Information About ATTP?(Acute Thrombosesis Thrombotnec Purpura)?

Question by CocoChanel: Does anyone have any new information about ATTP?(Acute Thrombosesis Thrombotnec Purpura)?
I spent 3 months in the hospital, underwent 2 surgeries, all of my organs failed, so I endured round after round of dialasis & blood transfusions. Not that I knew, I was in a coma on full life support for 2 &1/2 of those 3 months. I received “Last Rites” TWICE because the doctors assumed I would not survive long enough for my parish priest to arrive,so the hospital chaplain came by, just in case. My mother had to tell my son(who had recently turned10)that Mommy was going to Heaven soon. FINALLY, with the excellent notes of my rheumatologist, a visiting hemotologist worked through the choaos created by the other doctors. He diagnoised my ATTP. I received 11 rounds of ferrisis & woke up 17 hours after the final treatment.
Wow, you have no idea how difficult this was for me to write…
My point is this, it’s been 5 long hard years of recovery & RESEARCH,so aside from my need to just release all of this out into the void. Does anyone have any new information? (sorry for any S&G errors)

Do You Know Where to Drug Rehab That Is Cheap or Free in Toledo Ohio?

Question by Teresia: do you know where to drug rehab that is cheap or free in toledo ohio?
it dont have to be in toledo ohio just near he is finally ready to check into one but we cant find one that is reasonable

Best answer:

Answer by thinker
leave him where he is

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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What Was the Name of the Classical Song That Was on That 80’s Commercial for an Alcohol Treatment Center?

Question by freshmode87: What was the name of the classical song that was on that 80’s commercial for an alcohol treatment center?
Does anyone remember that commercial from the 80’s for a drug and alcohol treatment center? They used to run the commercial constantly (at least in Southern Cal), I think the place was called Schick or New Beginnings. What was the name of the song that played in the background during the commercial? It is a very famous classical piece that sounds a lot like Canon D (the wedding song) but it’s not. They used it in the A&E show “Intervention” the other day so it appears to be synonymous with addiction and treatment. If you know it you’re a genius!