inpatient drug rehab

What Is Rehab Like?What Do You Do There Is It NA? Do You Live There Is It a Nut Hut??

Question by fccowboy2002: what is rehab like?what do you do there is it NA? do you live there is it a nut hut??
i live in chicago

Best answer:

Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?

Question by jgroover85: Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?
I need to find a Inpatient Drug Rehab Program that has a payment program or price goes by your income. I have absolutely NO INSURANCE and i am not rich so i cant pay 20,000 for a program. I don’t need just a detox center, i need a detox center with a drug rehab program thatc’s inpatient. Please help i need help immediately and i am not rich. I will give 5 STARS to the best answer

Best answer:

Help for Violent Teen With Drug Abuse Issues?

Question by Jamie M: Help for violent teen with drug abuse issues?
What kind of help is there for a teen who has major violence issues along with a drug problem? He has threatened my mom and dad (he lives with grandparents, both parents passed away) with violence (killing, beating). He refuses any type of therapy or rehab and they are concerned he will retaliate if they take him someplace. Is there a place that will force him to go through therapy and keep him “locked up” per se? My parents are scared for their lives but they want desperately to help him. They have contacted police and such but were told that because he is underage (almost 17) there is nothing they can do. I don’t understand why there isn’t more help out there for people going through situations like this. We are lost as to what to do. Any suggestions?

About Drug Rehab and Clinic … ?

Question by Gracie: About drug rehab and clinic … ?
Hello my best friend is now is a clinic.
She is in and out for a long time..from cocaine (witch she is using for 7 years) and alcohols..etc, she is taking cocaine every 5 min and a bottle of vodka every 30 min..first I thought it is a joke but it wasn’t.
I am paling to go and look after her, but the problem is now.
What can the clinic do? and if you (or some one you know) ever been in a rehab please tell me what they really do to help you.
Thank you!

Inpatient Drug Rehabs?

Question by Daeris819: Inpatient Drug Rehabs?
My friend is in need of one of these places, but I don’t think she’ll do the work to find one.

Can anyone give me information on how to find a nearby inpatient drug rehab? Any websites?

Best answer:

Answer by Niki
This is the best website I have found. My brother-in-law (who is a drug and alcohol counselor) uses it to find rehab facilities for patients in need. It’s a government website, so it’s reliable.

Where Can I Find Drug Rehab Centers?

Question by John Matthew: Where can I find drug rehab centers?
Looking for the best place for my little sister, she has a addiction to Methadone.

Best answer:

Answer by Mr Richard
You can find them all over the US and Canada. Check out they are kinda like a 411 to help people find centers. I found a place for my wife when she was addicted to pain killers.

Call them at 1-855-411 7342 or 1-(855)-411-REHAB


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