illinois drug abuse

MCYAF Director Leaving After Decade Deterring Teen Substance Abuse

MCYAF director leaving after decade deterring teen substance abuse

Filed under: Illinois Drug Abuse

Under Polovchak's leadership MCYAF adopted a number of initiatives aimed at preventing drinking, smoking and drug use among teenagers in Park Ridge, Niles, Morton Grove, Glenview and Des Plaines. Using results from the Illinois Youth Survey …
Read more on Glenview Announcements


Jon Jones Speaks Out Against TRT Use

Filed under: Illinois Drug Abuse

Can I Be Drug Tested After Probation Is Up?

Question by : Can I be drug tested after probation is up?
Good afternoon everyone,

I have been on a 6 month non-reporting probation in Illinois for possession of an illicit substance which ended two weeks ago. I have received my letter of dismissaland I have successfully completed all of the terms of my probation. I had never been drug tested during the time in probation. Would it be legal or possible for them to call me in for a test now? My PO said I was finished and that was that. And no I do not wish to abuse drugs and I do not wish for a lecture. I am a student in medical school and there is a long story behind this entire thing. It is mainly because of a hectic schedule that I ask. I prefer to be prepared for things ahead of time.

Are There Any Mothers in Illinois Who Have Been Indicated for Substantial Risk of Harm Due to Substance Abuse?

Question by foxymixedmami: Are there any mothers in Illinois who have been indicated for substantial risk of harm due to substance abuse?
I have been indicated for substantial risk of harm because I had a positive drug screen. There are no other accusations against me, and I have no record. Dcfs has taken my children because of the drug screen alone. I feel that they have not conducted a thorough investigation and have caused more trouble for my family then ever. I am looking for others who feel they have been wrongly indicated for child abuse or neglect so that I can write a paper to the press and try to bring attention to this issue. I appreciate all of your feedback.

Please Help! Where Do I Seek a Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse That Is Decent?

Question by dbelsila: Please help! Where do I seek a rehabilitation center for drug abuse that is decent?
My [foster] son in an abuser of crack cocaine. He has been “clean” for a while, but having trouble and really wants to use. I need to find a facility for him to go to to start rehab. Everything around me is like a 3 month waiting list! Anyone know how I can find help immediately? Some referral or some facility in Central Illinois. I’m willing to travel. I have looked on line and called tons of places. They have a waiting list. He is 19 with no insurance or job. Please please please help. We are desparate. I will even go to Wisconsin, Indiana, or Missouri. Please please please. We tried one facility, but it was awful. They actually were doing drugs right in the facility during the “class time”. Any suggestions for help? We have tried NA, it was a joke .. at least in my area. I don’t know how to find anything else. Any info would be helpful.