illegal drugs

NC DOJ Sponsors Student Video Contest to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse

NC DOJ sponsors student video contest to fight prescription drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — North Carolina high school students are being given an opportunity to fight prescription drug abuse and overdose deaths by entering a video contest sponsored by Attorney General Roy Cooper and the N.C. Department of Justice.


Talk to discuss teen drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse

RYE — A former officer with the N.H. Attorney General's Drug Task Force will make a presentation tonight to help adults become aware of the real problems youth face with illegal drugs. Portsmouth resident Stephen J. Arnold has prepared a "modified …

What Do You Think of the DEA and It’s Recent Actions Upon Doctors and Pharmacies?

Question by Mary Sunshine: What do you think of the DEA and it’s recent actions upon doctors and pharmacies?
Recently, doctors refused to give patients with chronic pain any medications due to fear of losing their licenses. In Florida 6 Walgreen pharmacies have been given warrants due to an increased orders for percocet. Is the DEA right or wrong? Why?

Best answer:

Answer by Auroch
Doctors kill a LOT more people with their prescription drugs than illegal drugs ever thought of killing. The cops should be looking at those guys closer.

What do you think? Answer below!


Man Gets Seven-Year Sentence for Shooting, Stabbing Another Man in Botched

Man gets seven-year sentence for shooting, stabbing another man in botched

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

"You regret your actions, but there is no remorse for the life-threatening injuries you cause (the victim)…," Marshall said in handing down the sentence. "Although … He said Halleran had a serious drug addiction at the time, especially to Percocet …
Read more on The Telegram


NBA: Royce White is overcoming mind games on biggest stage

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

LETTER: Township Drug Policy Sensible

LETTER: Township drug policy sensible

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

We, the working class, have to be drug tested for any job, therefore, it is only right that the “lazy drug addicts” should be tested instead of free-loading off honest people. Thirty percent of those in Black Township came back positive for …
Read more on Evansville Courier & Press


Smoke shops busted for allegedly selling bath salts

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

US Attorney Carter Stewart About Illegal Drugs and the Community

US Attorney Carter Stewart about illegal drugs and the community

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

•How do I know if a friend is in trouble with drugs and who should I talk to about it? There are many indications that an individual is struggling with substance abuse. One resource to visit for more information is • What is …
Read more on The Cincinnati Herald


Local group shows parents warning signs of teen drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Cohoes Man Sentenced to Time at Drug Rehab Center

Cohoes man sentenced to time at drug rehab center

Filed under: free drug rehabs

[email protected] · TROY — A 39-year-old Cohoes man avoided prison for attempted robbery after he was sentenced to a state-run rehab facility for substance abusers Wednesday morning in Rensselaer County Court.
Read more on Troy Record


Ryan Leaf prison sentence continued after drug rehab eviction

Filed under: free drug rehabs