huffington post

How to Stop Myself From Procrastinating.?

Question by jason mclug: How to stop myself from procrastinating.?
Hey there. I am a 14 year old black boy. So yea, i have this HUGE addiction to my computer because of my games there, my long distance relationship with my girlfriend, and my best 2 friends (also long distanced). I usually tell myself in my mind “There’s enough time to do my projects and homework” and before i know it, it’s bedtime. My grades are slightly slipping and my mother is really unhappy about that, especially myself. Please, i need help to stop my addiction. Thanks in advance 🙂

Advice for Dealing With Depression During Holiday Season Provided

Advice for dealing with depression during holiday season provided

Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline

If everyone will be drinking at a family get-together and the person with a substance abuse problem cannot refrain, Fornea advises he or she skip the function altogether. … The regular office number is 735-0160, and the 24-hour crisis hotline is 732 …
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Community Calendar — December 17, 2013

Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline

Refilling Darvocet Early?

Question by Kiki R: Refilling Darvocet Early?
My doctor wrote me a 30 day prescription for darvocet for my severe fibromyalgia pain. 3 a day basically. I had a particularly bad flare up and had to take 1 and a 1/2 about 4-5 times a day to just get through it (I know, I should have called and asked, but I’d been told by this doctor before that I could do that). I’m about out, and I called to ask the pharmacy when I could get it filled, and she said no earlier than Nov. 21, which is exactly 30 days after I had it filled. But I’ve gotten my refill a week or so early before on other occasions. I talked to my doctor, and he doesn’t want to refill it early, and wants to try physical therapy instead. But, I’m in a lot of pain, and while I can handle it now, I don’t know if I can take it for two more weeks. And I can’t really afford physical therapy.

How Long Is the Prop36 Program in California?

Question by lazy: How long is the Prop36 program in California?
If you get charged with a misdemeanor drug possession and you get Prop36 how long with you be doing the program?

Best answer:

Prop 36 does not have a set time they evaluate the offender and then establish a treatment plan.~~
It means that Prop. 36 remains the state’s largest treatment-not-jail program, and that protecting its … 36. Check out this great poster that sums up just some of what Prop 36 … – Cached

Behavioral Addictions: A Basic Understanding

Behavioral Addictions: A Basic Understanding

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

Now he has no money, his family is no longer willing to support his drug habit, and the only people he hangs out with are also heavy drug users. Jane is 51 years … Furthermore, we see the ways in which behavioral addictions often pair with substance …
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This Hormone Could Keep You From Getting Stoned Off Marijuana

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

Obamacare Faces New Test on New Year's Day as Thousands Begin to Use

Obamacare Faces New Test On New Year's Day As Thousands Begin To Use

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california

Dec 29 (Reuters) – New Year's Day will bring a fresh test for President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul, as hundreds of thousands of Americans will begin to use the program's new medical coverage for the first time. … That figure does not include …
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The Year in Review 2013

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california