heroin addiction

Can You Kick a Heroin Addiction on Your Own Without Withdrawals?

Question by Mr. X: Can you kick a heroin addiction on your own without withdrawals?
Can you kick a heroin addiction by using less and less until you’re doing like 1 hit per month?

I am not using heroin, and I never will.

Best answer:

How Can I Need to Get Ahold of Nikki Sixx?

Question by Nemo: How can i need to get ahold of nikki sixx?
Im a heroine user and i want to quit. And i need to talk to someone whos been through it all. And nikki sixx came to mind. Plz if you know how to get ahold of him plz let me know. Or if you can help me.

Best answer:

Answer by Bunhash
I don’t know him nor how to get ahold of him, but you should look for a rehab center.


Business Highlights

Business Highlights

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Its seemingly detached response caused some security specialists to wonder whether the young company can handle the spotlight that it's been thrust into over the last year as its service has become enormously popular. —. Factory, construction … (AP …
Read more on Kansas City Star


Fingerprint Drug Screening to Be Trialled in Anglo-Finnish Opioid Drug

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Opioid substitution treatment involves the prescription of a regular dosage of opioid substitution medicine, usually buprenorphine or methadone, to patients with opioid dependence, such as heroin addiction. The oral medication is longer lasting and …
Read more on SelectScience.net (press release)

Could You Help Me to My Research Paper All About Drug Addiction?

Question by nicole perez p: Could you help me to my research paper all about drug addiction?
Could you help to my research paper all about Causes of Drug Addiction( enviromental causes, family problems and peer pressure) could you give me some information about this topic

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda D
there are all kinds of drug addictions….

pot, coke, meth…..pick one….

all three cause family issues, there is also the pressure from friends to do it (mostly pot). and mostly in high school kids. there are lots of websites that can help you research it.

Where Can I Find a Doctor in and or Near Michigan City or LaPorte, in That Prescribes Suboxone?

Question by jenna: Where can I find a doctor in and or near Michigan City or LaPorte, IN that prescribes suboxone?
It’s for opiate addiction. Doctors can become licensed to prescribe it.

Best answer:

Answer by Halema
All medical doctors are qualified to prescribe medicines. Some medicines require hospitalization to dispense it. You want to find a doctor in the phone book that specializes in substance abuse addictions. Or you can call a substance abuse hotline in MIcity and they should be able to refer you. You might have to go into south bend or merrillville for the right doctor, though. Maybe even into Munster. The docs in Munster usually are on staff in Chicago, so that might be better for you. Just don’t go to a place called Confidential Care in Dyer/St. John. Those doctors there are just for making the money, nothing else.

Does Anyone Know of an Inpatient High Dosage Methadone Detox Center or Rehab in NYC?

Question by : Does anyone know of an inpatient high dosage Methadone detox center or rehab in NYC?
I need to find an inpatient HIGH DOSAGE Methadone detox facility or rehab in NY. It could be in any of the 5 boroughs of NYC or I would even look into one in Nassau county on Long Island. Does anyone know of any place or even have any suggestions of websites or phone numbers I could call to locate one? I’m not having any luck in internet searches and it seems we are calling all the wrong places.
Or it could be in Florida if nothing for NY… Thank you for the Novus info, we had called them earlier and they would have been absolutely perfect if it wouldn’t have cost over $ 10,000.