heroin addiction

Are There Drug Rehabs in Windom, Maine That Administer Buprenorphine Instead of Methadone?

Question by caitlin lb: Are there drug rehabs in Windom, Maine that administer buprenorphine instead of methadone?
My mom has heard of buprenorphine and it seems as if this is more appealing than methadone when it comes to the treatment of heroin addiction. My dad has gotten himself addicted to heroin and we really need to put him in a drug rehab. This has got to happen soon because my mom, as well as my siblings, are really having a hard time. It hurts us so much to see our dad suffer like this.

Best answer:

Any Drug Rehabs in Bellflower, California, That Administer Buprenorphine?

Question by ani s: Any drug rehabs in Bellflower, California, that administer buprenorphine?
My cousin is going to get herself treated for her heroin addiction and I want to suggest that she get treated with buprenorphine instead of methadone.

Best answer:

Answer by annelise LD
The links below will help you in finding drug rehabs. I think it would be best, though, to get your cousin to a doctor first. The doctor will know what kind of medication will be right for her. He will also tell her what kind of treatment program will be best for her and which rehab will be able to provide her with that kind of program. I do hope she gets treated soon.

Supporting Someone in Drug Rehab?

Question by Jango: Supporting someone in drug rehab?
My sister’s going into a private rehab facility for heroin addiction. She made the choice herself and has been on methadone for 2 months since she quit. So she’s coming off the methadone now. How can I support and encourage her while she’s in there? Loneliness seems to be a big aspect of her feeling terrible at the moment and she really seems to want her family right now (my parents are completely supporting her). How can I help ensure she doesn’t quit and makes it through? She’ll be in rehab for a month and something akin to a medical hotel for 5 months after that. My only addiction in life has been cigarettes so I can’t imagine what it must be like for her. Are there any recovered/recovering addicts that can share some help on this?

Good Heroin Addiction Books?

Question by xfirexicex: Good Heroin Addiction Books?
Ok i’ve read The Heroin Diaries, and i’ve read A Million Little Pieces, and the latter made me really interested in this…

Anyone know of any other really good books that deal with heroin addiction?

Thanks in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by Kate R
I don’t remember what exact drug(s) the girl was on in “Go Ask Alice” but it’s a really great book. It’s anonymously published because it’s an actual diary of a teenager from the 70’s. Her parents found it after her death and published it. It’s a good read and I would recommend it.

How Do I Fix My Social Problems?

Question by Will T: How do I fix my social problems?
I am a 19 year old male who just transferred schools to a college in North Carolina. I am staying in the dorms and I have a roommate and two suite mates. The reason I switched schools is because I had a hard time at my other school (in Cincinnati, OH) because I had trouble connecting with people. Here, I wanted to start over, so I say hi to everyone I see and introduce myself. Everyone knows I am nice, but it is extremely difficult for me to get past the point of being acquaintances with people, and move towards stronger friendships. My biggest problem is my social awkwardness. My face turns red a lot because I am embarrassed, and I have a very hard time figuring out things to say. When I try to explain something, I often lose my train of thought and completely forget what I am talking about. Also, I stutter a LOT and it becomes extremely hard for me to put my thoughts into words. When I tell stories, I usually leave out a vital piece of it because I can’t organize, or I will forget to say a word. My conversations lack flow, and I feel like I can’t contribute anything to conversations. It’s usually me asking people questions, and having them do the talking, and I just sit back and listen, hoping that they will continue talking so I don’t have to. It’s just extremely hard because I feel like I know nothing about the world, so I don’t have any interesting points to contribute. Other people are extremely knowledgeable, and they are often telling me about things I have never heard before, and I feel stupid because I never have things that I can educate other people about. It especially embarrasses me when younger people know more than me, and are more socially matured. Returning to my problem about not being able to be more than just acquaintances with people, I have a lot of trouble. Most people here LOVE to joke around with each other, and their jokes flow effortlessly and they are very witty, and their reaction times are instantaneous. For me, I have to think of a response for a long time, and when people crack a joke at me, I tense up and can never think of anything witty, so I resort to a shy seriousness. This causes people to be uncomfortable around me and they never talk to me again. It is even fairly difficult for me to communicate with my family. Today, in one of my classes, I had to eat lunch with these two guys who were very funny. I had never met them before, and when one of them commented on how nice the wine bottle opener that the server used was, I said “oh yeah, I hate those other ones with the….” and then I stopped because I couldn’t describe the ones I was thinking about. I have tons of trouble describing things and I always end up just not finishing my thoughts. And then the guy at my table said “what?…” and I just said “never mind”. This happens to me very frequently. I wish I could just be witty and comfortable around other people but I have been working on this for so long and I have seen countless therapists who just tell me I have social anxiety. I take their advice but not much has changed over the last five years. I am tired of everyone telling me the same thing because it’s clearly not working, so I am scared that something is wrong with me and I will be like this forever. Does anyone know how to help me? I don’t know how much longer I can live this kind of life.

Can Somebody Please Tell Me How to Find Drug Rehabs in Conroe, Texas?

Question by allana a: Can somebody please tell me how to find drug rehabs in Conroe, Texas?
I need to do this for a friend of mine who is asking for my help in getting himself treated for his heroin addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Geg
I would try A. A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) They would have literature and locations and times for N. A. (Narcotics Anonymous). Also check local churches because they are known to have meetings there. Hope this helps, and good luck. My wife is a recovering drug attic. I understand. In the source collumn is a list of Meetings in Conroe.