health care

Why Is He So Depressed?

Question by Kimmy Henne: Why is he so depressed?
My friend grew up in a very violent household. He grew up never having anybody to rely on. He went out with this girl and she left him because of the way his homelife is (he’s 20 and has had about 20 other girlfriends in the past). But when this one left he really crashed, started using drugs like Xanax and clonazipam. His biological sister promised to always be there for him but after an incident with his adopted mom throwing a chair at him and he sent her the video she said “It’s not my problem” and won’t hear anymore about it, she just ignores him. So now he starts mixing pills and alcohol. He was SO happy when he was with that girl now she left. What could he be doing that kept him out of lovefor so long? He doesn’t know how to get a girlfriend cause he has no confidence and is a little wobbly after a bad car accident. He is about 5′ 8″, blonde and rlly handsome but what can he do? And no I already have a boyfriend

Where Is Drug Abuse Worst in the U.S.?

Question by Troutfishing: Where is drug abuse worst in the U.S.?
Any data would be great

Best answer:

Answer by Alexander
I assume that the increased availability of drugs is where the greatest amount of harm is. drugs become bad when people don’t receive medical treatment. Since drugs can be shipped anywhere and access to health care is unfair, the worst problem is in large neighborhoods where many teens are on probation for drug related crimes.

UK vs USA – What Country Is Better?

Question by UK + EU = Paradise: UK Vs USA – What country is better?
The reason why i believe that the UK is a better country than the USA is because:

The UK is more free than America. We have free health care, we have freedom to have an abortion if we wish to (as many as you want), we have free contraception, free dental up until 18, we have free travel if you are in full time education, we have less poverty.

Republicans, Why Do I Never Hear Actual Citizens of Countries With Universal Health Care Complaining About It?

Question by Linz: Republicans, why do I never hear actual citizens of countries with universal health care complaining about it?
Here’s an example:;_ylt=ArXygw8sK2J2ccKXDWO0lbnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091229104644AAiyArZ
Common Sense: You obviously didn’t even look at the link I provided.
Johnny Sokko: Do you honestly think I couldn’t find just as many complaints about American health care? No system is perfect–but no citizen of any country with UHC that I know would ever prefer ours over theirs. What’s your point?

Best answer:

Answer by Kami
Republicans do not know anything about universal health care. all they know is what they learned on Fox, and from Limbaugh and Palin: death panels and that people will go to jail if they don’t get health insurance.

Researchers Still Combating Tuberculosis, Malaria

Researchers still combating tuberculosis, malaria

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

However, we do have the right Anopheles mosquitoes here in Florida, and therefore we must remain vigilant.” Kuvin's center … Also, it reports that, “effective TB therapy requires months to years of regular medication, and many patients quit before …
Read more on Palm Beach Daily News


Jack Ryan: A Real American Hero

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

Drug Use Help for My Daughter?

Question by Helpinglife: Drug use help for my daughter?
My oldest daughter (17) has been trying to experiment with drugs for the past few months. I’ve noticed when she is home alone certain inhalant objects seem to disappear into her room (hair spray- nail polish- white out- sharpies) what should I do?

Best answer:

Answer by Jim
i am in recovery and i can tell u that stuff burns out brain cells quick do something with taking away everthing

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AAP's 'aurat' problem: The patent misogyny of mango men