drugs and alcohol

'Teen Mom 3' Premiere Introduces Four New Moms, Baby Daddy With Drug

'Teen Mom 3' Premiere Introduces Four New Moms, Baby Daddy With Drug

Filed under: christian drug addiction help

One of the new moms is Alex, whose boyfriend, Matt, has a drug problem. Matt, who is also … He's obviously excited to see drug dealers all around them, even saying he's more comfortable out there in the bad part of town than he is at her house," she …
Read more on Huffington Post


Ex-Drug and Porn Addict Dave's Story

Filed under: christian drug addiction help

Sheriff Breaks Prostitution Ring

Sheriff breaks prostitution ring

Filed under: drug addiction hotline

ADVERTISEMENT. BELLVILLE — Drug-addicted women were forced into online escort services, providing sex for hire, according to a human trafficking investigation conducted by the Richland County Sheriff's Office. “I just think it's despicable that …
Read more on Mansfield News Journal


Many organizations are ready to help you in various ways

Filed under: drug addiction hotline

NARCONON ARROWHEAD: Free counseling; learn how and why a person becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol and what you can do to help; call for free booklet at 800-468-6933 or visit www.stopaddiction.com to receive free counseling, referrals, assessments …
Read more on TriCities.com

How Many People Are in Drug and Alcohol Treatment Each Year in the US?

Question by lynsey: How many people are in drug and alcohol treatment each year in the US?
I am doing a research paper on drugs and alcohol for a college health class. Does anyone know a website that gives the number of people admitted each year to drug and alcohol center. I know it is a lot of people, but I need actually numbers, and a website to cite. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by waswisgirl1
In 2005, 1.3 million received treatment for the use of alcohol but not illicit drugs.

What Is the Holistic Approach to Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Recovery?

Question by Ashley: What is the Holistic Approach to Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Recovery?
I heard some kids in school talking about a holistic approach in relation to drug and alcohol addiction. Does anybody know more about it? I’m just interested.

Best answer:

Answer by chelsea
I think it’s a special program given to people who are suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. They provide treatment and services to help the patient recover faster. There’s a website about the Holistic Approach. I added the link below. It’s really informative.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Alcohol and Drugs: Clogging the Wheels of Justice

Alcohol and drugs: Clogging the wheels of justice

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

The problem is so far-reaching economically and socially that detailed analysis of the effect drugs and alcohol abuse on our criminal justice system is almost impossible, according to county officials. On Monday, 48 defendants will be arraigned in 51 …
Read more on Daily American Online


Are You Or Someone You Know Battling Drug Or Alcohol Addiction? – Spokane

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

What Is an Example of an Operational Definition? in Sociology. for Ex the Operational Definition of Bullying?

Question by Christina: what is an example of an operational definition? in sociology. for ex the operational definition of bullying?
i have to write a reflection paper about my life and include 5 social problems including operational definitions for those… i was thinking using bullying, mental illness, drug abuse, physical abuse and cant think of one last one. but could someone help with the operational definitions for those?

Best answer:

Answer by gershom t
operational definition is how you define these concepts such as bullying, mental illness, drug abuse, physical abuse.