I Am a 26 Homeless Man. I Am in Gaudenzia Drug Treatment Center in Baltimore, MD. and I’m in Need of Housing.?
Question by mcobbs82: I am a 26 homeless man. I am in Gaudenzia Drug Treatment Center in Baltimore, MD. and I’m in need of housing.?
Best answer:
Answer by Hereward the Wake
u on ur wifi laptop then?
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Anne Arundel County must cope with mental health needs under new federal law
Filed under: drug treatment centers in baltimore
Organizations like Pathways Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center and Samaritan House in Annapolis temporarily shelter a few people suffering from substance abuse and mental illness. Baltimore Washington Medical Center in Glen Burnie has 14 …
Read more on CapitalGazette.com
Is Thomas Matlack Bad for Good Men?
Is Thomas Matlack Bad For Good Men?
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000
The name is a problem: The Good Men Project. A good … Even the posts he didn't condone — like the one a GMP editor wrote that implied that drugs and alcohol, as opposed to sexually criminal men, were largely to blame for rape — he chose not to …
Read more on BuzzFeed
Proper treatment of mentally ill could prevent crime
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000
Internet Addictions, Drawn-Out Divorces and Smell-a-Vision?
Internet Addictions, Drawn-Out Divorces And Smell-A-Vision?
Filed under: drug rehab treatment center
In fact, the country's first inpatient treatment center for internet addiction opened this week. It costs $ 14,000! There's a couple in Connecticut whose divorce case has been going on for 10 years! There have been more than 600 motions and rulings. It …
Read more on wreg.com
Boxing Legend Oscar De La Hoya Opens Up To CBS2/KCAL9?s Rick Garcia …
Filed under: drug rehab treatment center
Dealing Drugs in Saudi Arabia Is a Very Stressful Business
Dealing Drugs in Saudi Arabia Is a Very Stressful Business
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse
I wanted to find out how true this was, and how easy it is to access illegal substances if you don't happen to be second in line to the country's throne, so I called up Abdullah—who is heavily involved in both the alcohol-and-drugs trade within the …
Read more on VICE
Breakthrough New Alcohol Addiction Treatments at Alcohol Treatment Jersey City
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse
What Social and Personal Factors Induce Millions of People to Abuse Drugs and Alcohol?
Question by joker_vs_joker: What social and personal factors induce millions of people to abuse drugs and alcohol?
What social and personal factors induce millions of people to abuse drugs and alcohol despite all the publicity regarding the negative effects of drug abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by larry o
drugs and alcohol provide a temporary escape from reality and sometimes that helps. especially since reality has gotten a lot more harsh lately than it ever was before. no one considers the negative affects b/c they think that their use of drugs is temporary and they can stop when they feel better. they’re usually wrong.
Should We Start a Foundation or Charity?
Question by Ali: Should we start a foundation or charity?
Last October my mom passed away from having a drug addiction to prescriptions. So my friend came up with this idea that we start a foundation for my mom, and to help other addicts. Also, to help save lives, and help others not loose their loved ones like I did.
But as I started researching I kind of got confused on what exactly a foundation and what exactly a charity is.. so could someone explain it better to me please?