drugs and alcohol

Addiction Statistics? How Many Teenagers Die From Drugs and Alcohol Each Year?

Question by Bluey: Addiction statistics? How many teenagers die from drugs and alcohol each year?
i need statictics on addiction
anything would help please and thanks!

how mny people dies each year from alcohol and drug addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Rob
This should be in the homework section =S

What do you think? Answer below!



State of MiND: Substance Abuse – Pay close attention. 1 in 2 of us are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes. State of MiND: Substance Abuse explores the prevalence of substance abuse in…


Oscar De La Hoya in Treatment Fighting Substance Abuse Issues

Oscar De La Hoya in Treatment Fighting Substance Abuse Issues

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment

De La Hoya first admitted two years ago that he was an alcoholic and drug user and had been in treatment. He said last month that he sometimes attends Alcoholics Anonymous meetings six days a week, but had slipped at times in his treatment. “The fight …
Read more on Showbiz Spy


Alcohol Treatment Youngstown Reveals New Substance Abuse Treatment

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment

Health Notes

Health Notes

Filed under: addiction help online

Help fight cancer? Join The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Moms In Training Team for a flexible nine-week work-out program held at 9 a.m. Saturday mornings at Jennings Beach, Sept. 14-Nov. 17. After the program, join your team of moms to run or walk the …
Read more on Monroe Courier


Neighbors: Only three full moons left this year

Filed under: addiction help online

Alcohol Treatment Toms River Restructures Plans to Help More Recovering

Alcohol Treatment Toms River Restructures Plans to Help More Recovering

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

Alcohol Treatment Toms River now offers an even wider variety of alcohol and drug abuse treatment plans. The hesitancy to go to a rehabilitation center inspired Alcohol Treatment Toms River to restructure their existing programs to appeal to anyone and …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Alcohol Treatment Parma Introduces the Newest Addiction Treatment Techniques

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

Friday Forum: Alcohol and Drug Use

Friday Forum: Alcohol and drug use

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

Panelists will include Associate Professor Anthony Shakeshaft from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre which works on research to increase the effectiveness of treatment and other intervention responses to alcohol and other drugs. Also on the …
Read more on The Land Newspaper


Marianne Faithfull: Mick Jagger sex required drugs and alcohol

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

Do Many Doctors Have Substance Abuse Issues?

Question by Anthony D: Do Many Doctors Have Substance Abuse Issues?
Someone told me years ago that many medical doctors and dentist have substance abuse issues with drugs and alcohol! Not much from street drugs on the corner, but more towards prescription drugs.

Any truth to this?

Best answer:

Answer by just visiting
they are just as human as anyone, but they also have that prescription pad….

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