drugs and alcohol

I Want a Tattoo That Symbolizes My Battle With Addiction & Drug Use and How Am Now Free and Above the Influenc?

Question by SmileyB: I want a tattoo that symbolizes my battle with addiction & drug use and how am now free and above the influenc?
I would like to get a tattoo (me and my husband) that symbolizes are struggle with addiction & drug abuse.We are now free from addiction and above the influence and would like to express that with a tattoo for everyone to see.Acting as a personel reminder to us and kinda walking billboard to everyone else.Any ideas THANKS!

Best answer:

Answer by That one is Me!
why dont you et the serenity prayer?

Survivor Overcomes Childhood Sexual, Physical Abuse

Survivor overcomes childhood sexual, physical abuse

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

As is often the case, Russom could have easily fallen into drug addiction or other destructive behavior. “It had the real potential to ruin my life. But I didn't let it. I chose to rise above it,” she said. At 25, she's now happily married and uses her …
Read more on Yuma Sun


Winona County's drug court offers intensive way to help offenders get clean

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Over 3300 Children Seek Help for Substance Addiction in Turkey

Over 3300 children seek help for substance addiction in Turkey

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Currently, there are only ÇEMATEMs in Istanbul, ?zmir and Diyarbak?r, so children and teenagers suffering from substance addiction are treated at 25 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Centers (AMATEM) across the country. Müezzino?lu said three new …
Read more on Hurriyet Daily News


Football Player Beats Drug Addiction; Turns Life Around

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Keep State Lotto Above Board

Keep state lotto above board

Filed under: drug addiction help hotline

(Council on Compulsive Gambling, “1995 Statistics for 1-800-GAMBLER Hotline” March 20, 1996) 39% of persons who entered publicly funded alcohol and drug treatment centers in Texas stated that the lottery was their most problematic gambling activity …
Read more on Casper Star-Tribune Online


Web gambling may increase addiction, experts say

Filed under: drug addiction help hotline

Jody Bechtold, a nationally recognized expert on gambling and substance addiction, warned that baby boomers could be a high-risk group for compulsive gambling as they enter retirement and have more leisure time to bet online. Bechtold, of … Under the …
Read more on Press of Atlantic City

Vermillion Eagles to Hold Child Health and Safety Fair

Vermillion Eagles to hold Child Health and Safety Fair

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

… hypothermia demonstration, cold and flu education, and story hour. T-shirts will be provided to the first 100 children in attendance. Free snacks are planned. Proceeds and donations will benefit the Clay County D.A.R.E. program. Call 605-670-0086 …
Read more on Sioux City Journal


Safety, security, education keys for resource officers

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

Where Is a Mandatory Drug Rehab Center for Adults in Texas?

Question by Quack Quack: Where is a mandatory drug rehab center for adults in Texas?
My brother who is now 21 years old is struggling with Alcohol and Drug abuse. He has been to many volunteer rehab centers but end up getting out! He wants to change because he attempts to by going to these voluteer rehab centers but when he gets the urge he gets out. Please help!!

Best answer:

Answer by Blue_Iguana
I’m sorry to hear about your brother who is struggling with addiction. It can be a difficult and uncertain process for a person to recover from drugs and alcohol, that’s for sure.