What Success Have You Had With in Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
Question by antonia_deamicis: What success have you had with In Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
I have a 19 year old son that has been taking most everything he can get his hands on for 7-8 months now. He says he has no addiction, just likes to “experiment” and when he isn’t on anything he’s too depressed to deal with life. I am scared to death that I will be burying him one day. The biggest issue right now, he is INSANE when he’s straight. He has no off switch at all, and talks and talks and talks so endlessly about all of his knowledge and opinions on everything that I can’t have a single thought of my own in my head because he will NOT SHUT UP! I feel desperate to get him into in patient, he is doing outpatient right now, it’s not enough. Thoughts from people who have gone through inpatient or have walked a loved one through it?
Are Most of the Bad Effects From Illegal Drugs, From Them Being Illegal?
Question by mdGreg C: Are Most of the Bad Effects From Illegal Drugs, From Them Being Illegal?
Texas Sucks =(, I did Say Most.
Thanks Wayne, All as a Result of Them Being Illegal.
Best answer:
Answer by Texas Sucks =(
No, becoming a strung out, tooth losing, lying and thieving tweaker is strictly the cause of meth itself. Having your brain fried is strictly the cause of acid, heroin junkies, you get it. The bad effects are the reason they are illegal.
What do you think? Answer below!
First Offense Aggravated Assaut Charge in Pa?
Question by Cappychic: First offense aggravated assaut charge in pa?
My boyfriend attacked someone out of self defense he bit off part of someones ear,this is his first offense,he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol,he thought the other guy was going to attack him,how long will he go to jail what can he due to get the sentence reduced??? From what I see he could go to jail for 5 or more years!!!
unfirtunatly he was using meth,he had not been sleeping or eating right,when I asked him what was wrong he told me he was depressed,I never did meth and know nothing about it,he is very thin and not a fighter,the guy he attacked was twice his size and came at him with his fist in the air,my bf and the guy were struggling then he bit the other guys ear,the victim got surgery my bf has already spent 2 weeks in jail,he is off the drugs and alcohol and regrets what he had done,it is his first offense and totally out of character for him,he got mixed uo with a bad crowd at his work……Im not at all happy about what he did but for the 7 years I was with him he was a good man and never hurt anyone…..I feel he should be punished and pay the medical bills and he needs NA and AA,I know what he did is horrific but any help would be appreciated
How Many College Applicants Can Say This?
Question by Dion: How many college applicants can say this?
“I found solace in volunteering at a drug rehabilitation center every weekend. I found solace in perhaps making a difference in the lives of those addicted to drugs and alcohol, a difference that, to my dismay, I never seemed to be able to make in my mother’s life.” My mother has a sixth grade education and has been addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol for over 25 years. She has done a lot just to fulfill her addiction.
Best answer:
Answer by Goose63095
More than you think.
What Kind of Treatments Does an Alcohol Rehab Center Provide?
Question by Wind: What kind of treatments does an alcohol rehab center provide?
I was wondering what an usual alcohol rehab center does to treat the alcoholics? Are they expensive? Do they contain mostly drugs? If there are some therapeutic treatments (which I heard), what are they? I would appreciate if you could provide me with more details on these because that will help me see if sending my friend down to a rehab center is the best solution. Thanks.
Best answer:
My Brother Has a Major Drug Problem, Does Anyone Know of a Good Treatment Center in Florida That Is Low Cost?
Question by rms2323: My brother has a major drug problem, Does anyone know of a good treatment center in Florida that is low cost?
My brother is 30 years old and has been an addict since he was 13. Over this time period I would say he’s collectively had about 2 years sobriety, I am 26 and a recovering addict for a little over 4 years now. My father passed away 2 years ago from methadone overdose. So I know the right things to do, I’ve been in plenty of rehabs. Here’s the problem, my Mom and my Sister-in-law are in complete denial and the worst enablers, and my brother is super slick and manipulative, so he gets whatever he wants. We own a family restaurant so we all work together and it’s to the point where my brothers actions are affecting our business. He’s been arrested twice in the last 6 months…once for hitting me (which my family sided with him…CRAZY…this is how in denial they are), and the second for numerous narcotic felony charges and possibly a gun charge (if his record is not clean of a felony he got 10 years ago). The drugs he’s been taking consist of aderrall, clonopin, HIGH STEROID ABUSE, blood pressure meds, some drug called molly, possibly bath salt, and now I think he’s back on opiates(roxys). He’s kind of a special case because of the steroid abuse. My family is now starting to agree with me that he needs help but we dont know where to begin. $ 10,000 we can afford, but anything over that is pushing it. I wish I could call Dr. Drew right now, but I cant so I need help. I live in Fort Myers, and the treatment centers here aren’t that great. PLEASE ANY HELP I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE…WE ARE AT OUR LAST STRAW