drugs and alcohol

Ex-Wrestler Page Resurrecting Fallen Icon Jake 'the Snake'

Ex-wrestler Page resurrecting fallen icon Jake 'The Snake'

Filed under: drug rehabs in texas

Drugs and alcohol ravaged the body that had helped him become a professional wrestling icon in the 1980s and early 90s. His habits were costing him $ 250 a day. “It becomes your oxygen … But there he was, in a house along the highway in his hometown …
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Sports calendar

Filed under: drug rehabs in texas

To Federal Prison and Back, Harrisburg Youth Director Turned Drug Convict

To federal prison and back, Harrisburg youth director turned drug convict

Filed under: addiction help center

The center was a unique combination of sports, play, study and community service specifically targeting the at-risk youths that Soto had been back in his wayward days in Jersey City and Brooklyn. For these children, Soto, then a reformed … I got …
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Addiction in Santa Barbara

Filed under: addiction help center

Different Uniform, but Same Mission to Serve

Different uniform, but same mission to serve

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

As the flight commander, she oversees nine key programs, including the Family Advocacy Program, the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment program, the Behavioral Health clinic and Educational and Development Services. Chambers has …
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15 graduate from juvenile drug court

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

In its eighth year, drug court is designed to assist in the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders who have been adversely affected by drugs and alcohol. The court provides supervised treatment and case management, mandatory drug testing, community …
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Teen Tells How Renaissance House Helped Him Conquer Addiction

Teen tells how Renaissance House helped him conquer addiction

Filed under: residential drug treatment programs

Matt was at Renaissance House, a residential treatment facility in West Seneca for teens addicted to drugs and alcohol, for three months until he had another court date. He was sentenced to a year in prison, and that hit him hard. “My past came back to …
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Report Reveals Special Challenges of Pregnant Teens in Substance Abuse

Filed under: residential drug treatment programs

Will Better Mental Health Care Decrease Mass Shootings?

Will better mental health care decrease mass shootings?

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

Fazel looked into this exact issue in a 2009 study, where he found that people with schizophrenia had increased rates of violent crime, but that this almost disappeared if the ones who also abused drugs and alcohol were removed. The MacArthur …
Read more on Reno Gazette Journal (blog)


Olympians, execs, greet Prince Harry in Colorado

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

Nurses From Fort Myers, Port Charlotte Suspended

Nurses from Fort Myers, Port Charlotte suspended

Filed under: drug treatment centers in florida

Two nurses from Southwest Florida had their licenses to practice suspended on emergency orders from the state Department of Health recently. Both tested positive in drug screens. Emily Slobodzian of Fort Myers was … 31, 2012, and Charlotte Regional …
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New study reveals middle-aged mothers struggle with drug & alcohol addiction

Filed under: drug treatment centers in florida