drugs and alcohol

The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Walgreens, Express Scripts Holding

The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Walgreens, Express Scripts Holding

Filed under: free drug abuse help

Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY-Free Report) and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. recently announced that the labels for their diabetes drugs, Tradjenta (linagliptin) and Jentadueto (linagliptin plus metformin) will be updated in the US. Eli …
Read more on Sacramento Bee


Norfolk Christian charity's skydive appeal

Filed under: free drug abuse help

What Can My Dad Expect in Court?

Question by buddah: What can my dad expect in court?
My dad has a court date on the 13th for a fta/driving while license suspended this happend about a year and a half ago on the 4th of july of 2007 he was not arrested he just recieved a ticket for the offence and he missed his court date because our car was repossesed the reason his license was suspended is because he got into a couple of car accidents and did not have insurance plus all the tickets he got from those accidents he never paid for he does not drive anymore since that night the police came to our door on the 21st of december and he found out he had a warrant for this offence but he was not arrested and he bonded out right at home there was no drugs or alcohol involved or any thing like that no dwi or dui just the suspended license some of the people i have talked to say he has nothing to worry about just a slap on the wrist and a fine is that true???
Hi just for the record my dad does not have a drug or alcohol problem he is on ssdi-social security disabilaty he is both mentaly and physicaly disabled im sorry if you miss understood my question. but I was just useing the drugs and alcohol as an example compairing it to my dad’s offence of fta/driving while license suspended also we live in dekalb county illinois. and i am a he not a she. my name is jason.

APD: Woman Robbed by Masked Grandson

APD: Woman robbed by masked grandson

Filed under: residential drug treatment programs

She also said Clark had not gotten along with his paternal grandmother since he was 7 or 8 and that he harbored resentment against her ex-mother-in-law. She said she has hired a lawyer for her son and hopes he will get into a drug treatment program and …
Read more on ABQ Journal


Dan Kelly's Korner: Sister's name lives on in gift of treatment

Filed under: residential drug treatment programs

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Signs Law to Shift Drug Offenders From Jail to Rehab

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal signs law to shift drug offenders from jail to rehab

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

Under the new law, Louisianians convicted of felony drug possession or intent to distribute less than a certain amount of drugs will be eligible for release one year early if the court determines they suffer from addiction, would respond to rehab and …
Read more on NOLA.com


Young people trapped by drugs and alcohol

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

Faith Matters: Grace Works Helps Addicts Transform Behaviors

Faith Matters: Grace Works helps addicts transform behaviors

Filed under: drug addiction help

The Transformed by Grace program seeks to help those who have fallen victim to drug addiction and other destructive behaviors. “We don't win them all by any means … but we keep trying,” leader Billy King said of the faith-based support group which …
Read more on The Advocate


Written by Cyrus Langhorne

Filed under: drug addiction help

Hosting Underage Drinking Party Result in Charges

Hosting underage drinking party result in charges

Filed under: teen drug abuse

… and grandchildren of the person being charged to possess alcoholic beverages on premises or property owned or controlled by the person charged." 2. The effects of alcohol on the teenage brain. 3. Alternatives to alcohol and drug use that teens may …
Read more on Examiner.com


Graduating Against All Odds

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Two other organizations providing mental health and alcohol and drug abuse counseling at the community schools are: The Center for Social and Environmental Stewardship and Petaluma Learning and Guidance. Also located at Amarosa Academy is the teen …
Read more on Sonoma County Gazette