drug treatment

What Is Drug Addiction? Like a Real Definition?

Question by Bluey: What is drug addiction? Like a real definition?

Best answer:

Answer by saved_by_grace
Drug Addiction:
An addiction is a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individuals health, mental state or social life. The term is often reserved for drug addictions but it is sometimes applied to other compulsions, such as problem gambling, and compulsive overeating

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Why Won’t Government Spend More Money on Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by waltonluke63: why won’t government spend more money on drug treatment programs?
like more detox centers for alcoholics, yet will spend billions on useless war in iraq?don’t they realize making investement in human life will increase!!? productivity in nation, saving billions in all industries, including medical and judicial system?

Best answer:

Answer by Cecilia M
Why should so many more tax dollars go toward folks who make the conscious decision to start drinking and/or doing drugs? Addicts should be held accountable for their own choices…and not saddle the govt with their problems any more than they already have.

Why Do Drug Addiction Treatments Cost Much?

Question by aracely s: Why do drug addiction treatments cost much?
I was just wondering about this since thousands of dollars seem like so much money.

Best answer:

Answer by arlyn w
Drug addiction treatments cost much because a lot of factors are involved when treating a patient. Medication and payment for counseling and therapy costs much. But studies have shown that a full year of methadone maintenance treatment would cost a lot less than a year of imprisonment. Besides, this is someone’s life that’s on the line. What’s a thousand dollars compared to leading a sober, happy, addiction-free life?

Heroin: It Felt So Good, Until an Overdose Almost Killed Me

Heroin: It felt so good, until an overdose almost killed me

Filed under: bethesda alcohol and drug treatment program

I grew up in a nice neighborhood in Bethesda, Md., with a single mother who never drank, smoked cigarettes or used any illegal substances. … got out, I had a couple of brief relapses during the next two years, but eventually got clean and stayed that …
Read more on SouthCoastToday.com


Man, 53, accused of exposing himself to young girls

Filed under: bethesda alcohol and drug treatment program

Chances of Getting Academic Suspension Appealed?

Question by Samantha: Chances of getting academic suspension appealed?

I attend Virginia Commonwealth University.
I was put on academic suspension this semester and am currently a sophomore.

I would like to appeal the decision, and would like to hear opinions on what my chances would be.

Advise for Drug Abuse at Young Age!?

Question by partygirll: Advise for drug abuse at young age!?
So im a 16 years old girl and i abuse many drugs. I haven’t a clue wat i should do. Im seriously scared becuase its out of my control, please dont say im stupid for doing it and that stuff.. becuase i heard it too many times, i need advise. Iv been smoking weed for almost 4 years, and snorting cocaine for almost 2 years, latley it has gotten to its worst.. I also many times take extacy snort heroin and smoke crack take many presciption pills( what ever i can get). Its really sad thats what all my friends say but they don’t want anything to do with me. I cant tell my mom and its been so long i just am not shure who to talk to nemore and i need answers.. please don’t be rude , im jus totally draind and done with this crap..