Drug Testing

Drug Testing Questions!!!!!!!!!?

Question by magicman498: drug testing questions!!!!!!!!!?
My questions:
– Do you have to receive a consent form for drug testing from employer???
– In Illinois do employers have to drug test you???
– Can they give me the consent form at any time if it is needed????

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
If an employer requires you to have a drug test, they should pay for it without any consent forms as it’s done privately, employers in Illinois or any other state don’t have to drug test you, it’s up to individual companies

Add your own answer in the comments!

I’m Gonna Kill Myself?

Question by Nun77: i’m gonna kill myself?
I’ll do that, you can’t stop me.
I feel like shit right now, i don’t deserve to live on this planet anymore.
I do drugs and i get drunk every day to forget all these problems.
I need help, now. But if i called someone they would take me to jail because of the drugs they would find at my home. don’t wanna spend all my days locked there.
what if i move home? Now i live in oklahoma, dont have the money to move.
please help me

Best answer:

Do Corrections Officers Go Through Drug Testing?

Question by Genesis: Do corrections officers go through drug testing?

Best answer:

Answer by Roger M
yes, on a regular basis

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Detox Treatment Center Pittsburgh | Drug Rehab Centers Pittsburgh | Treatment Recovery Pittsburgh – http://www.rehabinpennsylvania.com/detox-service-pittsburgh/ Detox Service Pittsburgh utilizes safe and medically proven methods, providing a customized proc…


Pregnancy Drug Testing Mandatory?

Question by Timothy B: pregnancy drug testing mandatory?
I havce a co work who just found out the she is pregnant. her doctor gave her a drug test and she tested + for THC. (she has of course stopped now that she knows she is pregnant) Her doctor also stated that she would have another test in a few months and if it was + she would be reported to child welfare. She is on medicare or medicaid. can she refuse. Is this now the law. We are in Texas if that makes the laws any different.

Best answer:

Who Was the 2005 Residential Manager of the Men’s Program at Lytton Springs?

Question by GOTCHA!: who was the 2005 residential manager of the men’s program at lytton springs?

Best answer:

Answer by akm
Leilani Palmieri, once head of the program at Lytton Springs, said methamphetamine addict Stephen Watson — who completed the six-month program just weeks before — seemed trustworthy enough to be given keys to Salvation Army vehicles and oversee his own drug testing.

She was surprised when Watson commandeered a van with six other recovering addicts, got drunk in Santa Rosa bars and then beat three men who were walking down a street.

5 Recommedations on How to Overcome Illegal Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?

Question by smith5nz: 5 recommedations on how to overcome illegal drug abuse among teenagers?
5 or more ways, between 10-20 lines

Best answer:

Answer by Bobo
Drug testing in schools.
Separate classes for those who use drugs including training vice education.

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