Should Drug Testing Be Mandatory for Those Who Are on Welfare?
Question by jdukenumber1: should drug testing be mandatory for those who are on welfare?
i just read in states such as florida, oklahoma, louisiana and alabama that drug testing is mandatory for those on welfare. and i really don’t see the logic behind it. i find it degrading and quite ridiculous that because someone is of low income, the assumption is that it’s a high possibility they’re on drugs. and please don’t use the “my tax dollars are going to them so i should be sure that they’re using the money wisely” only one percent of federal taxes go to those in welfare so come up with another excuse. regardless if you use drugs or not, it’s an invasion of personal space. and let’s be real, the states mentioned have a high percentage of black people. you wouldn’t hear much of this law in a states such as colorado, idaho, or maine for example.
GRIM REAPER: that’s exactly what i’m talking about! you’re associating welfare recipients to drug users. why is that?
What Is a TAIP Test in Texas?
Question by aeriejayy: What is a TAIP test in texas?
my best friend has to take one in two days. hes on probation.
what happens? do they drug test him?
if so, and he fails, what happens?
or…is it only for alcohol?
what does TAIP stand for?
Best answer:
Answer by SmashBrawler
I only know that the acronym stands for Treatment Alternatives to Incarceration Program, I think it may be a alchohol/drug evaluation.
What do you think? Answer below!
Rehab or Substance Abuse Program?
Question by Angel Stokes: Rehab or Substance abuse program?
I don’t know anything about either. But my husband is a felon, and on probation. He apparently has been doing stuff lately. He is being accused of stealing. Don’t know if he did, or not…
He wants rehab… He wants to be done with this. He’s done great for so long (I think peer pressure has a lot to do with it) Because he has been clean for 2 years…
I don’t know if how this will go, but it doesn’t look good. My husband truly is a good guy, he’s been taking crunchbars lately, and he doesn’t remember anything… He’s just got a bad problem.
Could Someone Actually Explain Scientology’s Religion to Me?
Question by Mr Paul Starr: could someone actually explain Scientology’s religion to me?
I heard that Tom Cruise was refused permission to go to german military instalations because he was a scientologist. I know that while germany is quite politically and socially liberal, it is still very religously conservative. I have seen some programs and read some stuff and they do seem to be rather shady.
I heard that Tom Cruise was refused permission to go to german military instalations because he was a scientologist. I know that while germany is quite politically and socially liberal, it is still very religously conservative. I have seen some programs and read some stuff and they do seem to be rather shady.
Do Doctors Do Random..?
Question by It’sMe: do doctors do random..?
drug tests during pregnancy because i just had a baby and during all my visits she never did one to me and do they really check your baby after he/she is born to see if there are drugs in their system?? Just wondering somebody told me that and i dont believe my doc did this…
Best answer:
Answer by hOw-lOvElY
drug test on a newborn/during pregnancy? i highly doubt that a drug test on a newborn is necessary. on the mother, never heard of that, unless they suspect that you are doing drugs and your baby may be at risk.
Advice and 411 With Child Custody?
Question by Theresa: Advice and 411 with Child Custody?
Me and my husband are both 26. My husband works and I am a stay at home mom but I get unemployment from my previous job of 7 years. We do not smoke, drink, or do drugs nor have we ever done any of those expect drinking with friends maybe 3 times a year. lol. We provide a clean safe home and our children are very well taken care of. We both have cars and drivers licenses. I have a 5 year old, a 2 year old and a 3 month old. The 2 year old is a boy and he was from a previous marriage of 1 year which ended up in a dissolution. We have a custody agreement of shared parenting. the shared parenting was basically to just agree and get the divorce settled. It was 2009 when our dissolution was granted. He has never had a “home”. he has always lived here and there. I have been very careful as to when and where I will send my son. Theres been times where he hasn’t seen him in months. He has 3 other children to 2 other women. He has never been able to keep a job. hes over 2000 dollars behind in child support with me and im not sure how far behind he is with the other 3 children. He does not have his drivers license due to a DUI that resulted in him wrecking into a car and having no insurance. He has served jail time for that and still has not paid his fee’s. He has a history of drug abuse which I know consists of pot but i have heard from very reliable sources that he has done coke and crack. Recently he has “tried” to change and went to a rehab out of the state. He made everyone believe he was going to change and wasn’t coming back until he was. Well after 2 weeks he is back in town and is demanding to see our son. He is living in a bad neighborhood with a girl that i do not know. I am going to file papers for a “motion to change visitation”. I would like full custody. I no longer want my son to have to deal with that. I want my son to see his father but right now he can’t take care of himself. I live in Ohio. Would the judge, based on the info provided, rule in my favor? I am scared for my sons well being and safety but have been told that if he can pass a drug test that they wont grant it. He says hes been clean for 2 weeks….but i know that it wont last. I need help!