How to Stop Using Drugs & Start Working Out?
Question by : How to stop using drugs & start working out?
how can i replace doing drugs (smoking popping pills etc.) with working out and getting a natural high while working out..and i dont want to go to rehab but i have a strong hunger for it so what coping skills should i take and do??
a strong hunger for doing drugs (an addiction)
Best answer:
Answer by !
Find a coach.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
How Can I Help My Sister With Drug Addiction?
Question by hasu: How can I help my sister with drug addiction?
My younger sister recently admitted to me that she has been taking drugs, she is only 19 and still lives at home with our parents. She has come to live with me temporarily and has begged me not to tell anybody else about her problem, but I don’t know how to help her! I don’t have any experience with any of this. To be honest I am finding it difficult to support someone who has terrible mood swings and can often be aggressive with me. I don’t want to go behind her back and tell anyone else about her problem, but I don’t think I can cope alone. What should I do?
What Is the Probability That Exactly 12 of Them Will Remain Clean?
Question by Shawna: what is the probability that exactly 12 of them will remain clean?
A recent study showed that 45% of the patients that entered a drug rehabilitation center remained clean of drugs. out of a random sample of 30 patients, what is the probability that exactly 12 of them will remain clean?
Best answer:
Answer by Jay
P(X = 12) = (30 choose 12)(0.45)^12(0.55)^18
You have to multiply this all together. The 0.45^12 is the amount that you need that will be clean, exactly 12, at the given percent.
How Many College Applicants Can Say This?
Question by Dion: How many college applicants can say this?
“I found solace in volunteering at a drug rehabilitation center every weekend. I found solace in perhaps making a difference in the lives of those addicted to drugs and alcohol, a difference that, to my dismay, I never seemed to be able to make in my mother’s life.” My mother has a sixth grade education and has been addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol for over 25 years. She has done a lot just to fulfill her addiction.
Best answer:
Answer by Goose63095
More than you think.
How Cam I Help My Brother?
Question by Fireball Marine: How cam i help my brother?
I have a brother that is 28yrs old, Justin, , he is 12yrs younger than me. Well he is a complete bum, he has a problem with authority so he can’t hold a job. Well our dad kicked him out of his house for like the 4th time (Justin bounces between family in TN and Ohio, with our dad or sister) 2mo ago, well I told him as long as he tried to prosper himself then he could stay with me and my family for awhile. He has been here since Feb 19th and he hasn’t even looked for a job yet, he has bummed $ 250 from me which I later found out he used to buy drugs with. My 5yr old daughter found a used needle in his room on the floor, I knew he use to use heroine but I thought he went to rehab. Needless to say I kicked him out. He stayed with us for 2mo and he never even washed a cup or paid a bill.