Is Drug Rehab Effective for a Person With Addiction? and What Are the Services Offered by the Center?
Question by Mill Boon: Is drug rehab effective for a person with addiction? And what are the services offered by the center?
It’s because I want to enter my brother in a rehab center because of his addiction to cocaine. Also, can somebody give me an idea on how long the treatment process would probably take?
Best answer:
Answer by hypejack
Drug rehabilitation is the only way to treat addiction to a particular drug or substance. Cocaine addiction is a serious disease that needs comprehensive treatment process like detoxification, counseling and other addiction recovery program.
Is It True That There Are More Teens to Be Found in Drug Rehabilitation Centers Than Adults?
Question by delila f: Is it true that there are more teens to be found in drug rehabilitation centers than adults?
I have a friend who has just gotten out of inpatient rehabilitation and he has told me that there are a lot of other teens spending their time there. I was just wondering why this is.
Best answer:
The Social Effects of Drug Abuse?
Question by Reaper: The social effects of drug abuse?
Other than effecting people around them, what happens besides that? Especially to the ones who are using it(again, not around them).
If this was you, how would you solve this problem? Other than seeking professional helps?
PS: This is just a what if situation. I just made it up so don’t worry. Anyways, what’s your solution to this?
Best answer:
Answer by Paul K
Using drugs can make them act irrationally and cause them to make bad choices.
I Would Like to Know How to Find Drug Rehabs in Decatur, Texas.?
Question by arlyn h: I would like to know how to find drug rehabs in Decatur, Texas.?
I’m doing a research on various drug addictions and I just want to know more about the treatment programs available for these.
Best answer:
Answer by abbie f
To find drug rehabilitation centers, simply use the links that I have provided below. You can also look through the local phone directory or contact your local health services department and ask them for a list of drug rehabs in the place you have specified. I hope you get the information you need. Good luck!
Homeless Drug Addicts?
Question by mandy: homeless drug addicts?
Im doing a speech on the homeless and I was wondering if there are any free rehabs or places these homeless drug addicts can go to to get help. and if there isnt, does anyone have any good suggestions on how to help these people
thanks so much
ps please put your sources i dont want to make anyone else do the work 🙂
Best answer:
Would You Support Medical Experiments on Life Prisoners? ?
Question by Doctor Jack: Would you support medical experiments on life prisoners? ?
Only murderers.
Obviously there is only so far animal testing can go in there search for new medicine and vaccines. The only way to ensure effectiveness is sometimes to use human research. However, some research is inherently life threatening and volunteers cannot be used.
In the search for a vaccine against HIV or a cure for cancer do you think it is morally justifiable to experiment on the most heinous convicted murderers?