drug rehab

Is It Possible?

Question by Emily.: Is it possible?
I’m fourteen and there’s someone I’m really interested in at the moment, and I have been for almost a year now. I seem to have got myself into a big mess though – because about a year ago he told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship, and I started smoking and drinking more which he doesn’t like. The thing is, I really want something with him and I can’t stop doing all the things he doesn’t like. I’ve been on ecstasy and weed for about 4 months now and frequently drink and smoke. I’m determined to give up for this guy because he really means a lot to me and he’s a close friend. I don’t know how to tell him how much he means to me (in case I get rejected again or he doesn’t feel as strongly) and I’m worried about whether or not it’s possible at my age to give up drugs without severe withdrawal symptoms?

My Daughter Needs Drug Rehab but We Can’t Afford It, Any Suggestions?

Question by bumble100bee: my daughter needs drug rehab but we can’t afford it, any suggestions?
My daughter is addicted to heroin, we cant afford drug rehab. Rehab costs about $ 7500.00 a month. She has been arrested twice. I have been trying to help her but there is nothing I can really do. Heroin is a bad drug to withdrawal from, and she is trying to do it herself. She doesn’t have insurance and I am on such a tight budget. Without help the chances are she will start using again. She gets violent when she is trying to withdrawal. I worry because she has a two-year old girl and I don’t want my grandchild to be raised around it. I pay for the baby to go to the sitter. Her boyfriend, (the babies father) is no help because he is addicted too. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I noticed the the nasty answers, let me clarify, Childrens services is involved. My daughter and grandchild live with me and I pay for and take her to the sitter everyday. There is no help where I live at. She is not on parole so I cant go to the court for help. This is the first time in weeks I have been on my computer, thank you, and I got it to get her some help.

UK vs USA – What Country Is Better?

Question by UK + EU = Paradise: UK Vs USA – What country is better?
The reason why i believe that the UK is a better country than the USA is because:

The UK is more free than America. We have free health care, we have freedom to have an abortion if we wish to (as many as you want), we have free contraception, free dental up until 18, we have free travel if you are in full time education, we have less poverty.

Do You Know Any Good Drugs/alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Southern England?

Question by Niraj G: Do you know any good drugs/alcohol rehabilitation centres in Southern England?

Best answer:

Answer by Arch Teryx
Antibuse is a drug that interferes with the body’s ability to metabolize alcohol. I think it inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase. A few mouthfuls of alcohol and you’ll be wretching your guts out.
Naltrxone is another drug that decreases the urge to have subsequent drinks. Both remedies are recommended to be used in conjunction with a support group.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Best College Degrees to Open Drug Rehab?

Question by Nacole: best college degrees to open drug rehab?
I have dreamed of opening a drug rehab for years. Half of my family and an ex are drug addicts, and it disgusts me how some rehabs are like spas and don’t actually teach them how to survive with their addiction and not use. (For the sake of getting to my point I will leave it at that) I am about to start my sophomore year in college and am trying to figure out the education I need to open my own drug rehabilitation center. Part of my demands it be nonprofit, but I will have to see which is ultimately best. I know I need business knowledge and addiction related knowledge. What I have come up with is majoring in sociology and minoring in psychology. Both only taking classes related to deviance, criminology , abnormal behavior, stuff like that. And take any prerequisites for business and then get masters in business administration (MBA).
Does this sound good? Would another route be better, if so what degrees? I would love if I could just go from a bachelors, but I don’t know. Any suggestions would be great, thanks. Please only serious answers. Thanks in advance for all your help.

Can I Be Court Ordered to Drug Rehab?

Question by NoTell: Can i be court ordered to drug rehab?
I have clinical (major) depression and I also have a substance abuse problem. If I tell my psych doc or therapist about my addiction, can they court order me into rehab?

Best answer:

Answer by Serene E
No idea. Depends on the state you are in, the court you’re going to and your age.

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