drug rehab

How Do I Get Drug Rehabilitation for Someone With No Money in Florida?

Question by Pierre: How do I get drug rehabilitation for someone with no money in Florida?
My sister’s daughter (age 22) was put into a psychiatric facility for not knowing what was reality after taking too many drugs (not sure what kinds). They held her for about 72 hours, but recently released her. My sister’s ex-husband is bringing their daughter to the east coast of Florida and dropping her off with my sister to get her away from her narcotic-dealing boyfriend. My sister has very little money and no one to talk to about how to help her daughter. Her daughter also has no money. Is there any way to get her into state funded drug rehab? If not, any suggestions as to what my sister should do next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Rehab Center in Mexicali, Baja California?

Question by NeedHelp: Rehab center in Mexicali, Baja California?
I have a cousin that lives in Mexicali, Baja California and she has become addicted to drugs and her mother wants to put her in a rehab center. My aunt has gone to look at a few rehab centers, but has been told by several people that they are very dangerous. My cousin is a 20 year old girl, so I would rather her be in a women’s center. If anyone personally knows of any rehab centers anywhere in Mexicali please let me know. Tecate would also be ok.

Best answer:

I Need to Find Drug Rehabs in Ojai, California. Help?

Question by catherine_ann: I need to find drug rehabs in Ojai, California. Help?
I’m doing a research for one of my classes and it entails getting information about drugs and drug treatment programs. I thought I’d interview people in different rehabs so that I may compare them.

Best answer:

Answer by Jen22
I’d look in your local yellow pages for Rehabilitation Centers. Choose which ones and call and make an appt. to speak to someone and explain your doing research.

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Can You Get in Trouble for Telling a Friend to Stop Taking Drugs?

Question by Kyra: can you get in trouble for telling a friend to stop taking drugs?
I was wondering if you can get in trouble for telling your friend to stop taking drugs on the phone. I stopped talking to him but I’m a little worried. Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by amee
No your doing to right thing

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Christian Drug Rehab Center – Step 9 – In this video Step 9 from the Christian 12 Steps to Addiction Recovery is discussed. Step 9 is completing the process started in Step 8, where we make amends…

Do Corrections Officers Go Through Drug Testing?

Question by Genesis: Do corrections officers go through drug testing?

Best answer:

Answer by Roger M
yes, on a regular basis

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Detox Treatment Center Pittsburgh | Drug Rehab Centers Pittsburgh | Treatment Recovery Pittsburgh – http://www.rehabinpennsylvania.com/detox-service-pittsburgh/ Detox Service Pittsburgh utilizes safe and medically proven methods, providing a customized proc…


Which One Is the Best, Inpatient or Outpatient Drug Rehab Models?

Question by : Which one is the best, inpatient or outpatient drug rehab models?

Best answer:

Answer by Herman
Both inpatient and outpatient drug rehab models have shown excellent results in the attainment of this goal, but most research so far has found that inpatient has the edge on outpatient treatment.

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