drug rehab

Why Am I So Unfocused and Depressed?

Question by MMN: why am i so unfocused and depressed?
i went through a serious depressive state and i was unaware of how deep it was until i had recovered partially. i spent the last year or so reflecting and recuperating but recently it has returned a bit. i am afraid that all the friendships i form are meaningless, like everyone will leave and i will be alone. i am scared and am pushing people away but i long for connection.

Christians, Can You Tell of a Miracle of Healing Specifically That Happened to You…?

Question by † Seek truth †: Christians, can you tell of a miracle of healing specifically that happened to you…?


Best answer:

Answer by Pliio8
I’ve been Healed Spiritually?

Add your own answer in the comments!



California Christian Drug Rehab – http://ChristianAddictionNetwork.com – The best way of accomplishing the lifestyle you desire is to get into an alcohol rehab. Through reaching out to a supp…


How Can I Become Drug Free?

Question by : How can i become Drug Free?
I am having a bad habit of the drug addiction and i want to quit but how..please help me out

and can you explain this step )- Understand drugs and situations that may arise


Best answer:

Answer by ???!Meghan!???
omg its so funny that you asked this question (not funny like stupid but funny like coincidence)
because im on abovetheinfluence.com. if you mean explain like what it means then, it means learn what drugs do to you and what they really are. i know i really didnt help that much but i hope i helped a little.\
good luck.

Verbal Abuse? I Really Need Help and Advice…?

Question by Anna 🙂: Verbal abuse? I really need help and advice…?
Would you consider this verbal abuse (from my father):

Being called names like:
-Mental Midget
-little piece of sh*t

And being told things like:
-you lie you cheat you steal
-all you do is lie
-f*ck you
-i don’t give a flying f*ck
-don’t bug me (constantly says this)
-it’s my house, i own this house, etc

and threatened by things like:
-i’ll hit you so hard you’ll remember it for the rest of your life
-so help me god…
-i swear to god i will hit you
-i’ll drag you out of that room

Would You Support Medical Experiments on Life Prisoners? ?

Question by Doctor Jack: Would you support medical experiments on life prisoners? ?
Only murderers.

Obviously there is only so far animal testing can go in there search for new medicine and vaccines. The only way to ensure effectiveness is sometimes to use human research. However, some research is inherently life threatening and volunteers cannot be used.
In the search for a vaccine against HIV or a cure for cancer do you think it is morally justifiable to experiment on the most heinous convicted murderers?

Natural Remedies for Brain Damage After Drug Abuse?

Question by Liza Shevchuk: Natural Remedies For Brain Damage After Drug Abuse?
My older brother has done many drugs from about 16-21. Its been a year since his last use, and he’s been having some serious problems. He has high anxiety and he’s been having frequent episodes of “weird” (as he calls it) feelings. He doesn’t label it as feeling sick. During these episodes he feels jittery, emotional (even cry’s sometimes) out of control, his heart rate goes up. This also causes him to have insomnia. Maybe they’re panic attacks, but the thing is, what triggers it? This occurs randomly on a normal day. We believe its typical withdrawal symptoms, because he abused quite a few drugs. (Marijuana, cigarettes, ecstasy, crystal meth, shrooms, hookah, cocaine, inhalants, “uppers” (as he calls them))
He has gone to see his doctor several times to get treatment, and his doctor said he has migraines.
He prescribed him anti depressants and that didn’t help my brother AT ALL.
He does this herbal drop treatment (echinacea, other oils, etc) That help him sleep.
Now we’re trying to find him herbal remedies that would help repair his brain damage from all of the abuse he has done to it.
Thank you very much.