Pregnant, Abusive Relationship, Drug Addiction & No One to Talk To.?
Question by Jane: Pregnant, Abusive relationship, Drug addiction & No one to talk to.?
I am in the mess of a life time.
I am 7 months pregnant and have yet to be seen a doctor besides two short visits. I plan to go tomorrow. I have no insurance no job.
I am not pregnant with my current boyfriends child it is the child from someone i slept with right before we got together. The father is a crazy person hung up on conspiracy theory, is homeless and really thinks the government is trying to get him. He Is somewhere in California and i have no way to get in touch with him.
I Need Some Help and Advice!!! Any Body Know Free Drug Rehabs to Get in Inpatients Care Atleast 90 Day Program?
Question by Meonly1: i need some help and advice!!! any body know free drug rehabs to get in inpatients care atleast 90 day program?
i have drug problem i feel the need for something and dont know why i can go a while but always end up doing the drugs i need help! i have 4 boys 1,2,4,9 can someone help i have no insurance or job
Best answer:
Men Preferred; Trying to Help My Husband….?
Question by Nicole: Men preferred; trying to help my husband….?
Come off his addiction to smoking pot. He’s doing it for all the right reasons, FINALLY. But he had done it so much it was ridiculous. As soon as he woke up he’d do it. Immediately after work, then every hour he was home. He was so hooked on it he wouldn’t go anywhere or do anything until he smoked. I tried for years to get him to quit but I knew the only one who could truly get him to stop was himself.
Are There Any Drug Rehabs in Sandy Hook, Connecticut?
Question by regan: Are there any drug rehabs in Sandy Hook, Connecticut?
Hello! I just want to ask if anybody here has an idea if there are any drug rehabs in Sandy Hook, Connecticut because I have to find one. My son Jason has this assignment about drug rehabs and he needs to conduct some interviews for his paper. He asked me if I know of a drug rehab here in our area and I don’t know what to say to him because I also don’t have any idea about it. Please help us find a drug rehab. My son seems interested in the subject and I want him to do well in this assignment. Thank you.
The Social Effects of Drug Abuse?
Question by Reaper: The social effects of drug abuse?
Other than effecting people around them, what happens besides that? Especially to the ones who are using it(again, not around them).
If this was you, how would you solve this problem? Other than seeking professional helps?
PS: This is just a what if situation. I just made it up so don’t worry. Anyways, what’s your solution to this?
Best answer:
Answer by Paul K
Using drugs can make them act irrationally and cause them to make bad choices.
Southern California..questions…?
Question by *alwayssmile*: southern california..questions…?
does anyone know of some southern california animal rehibilitation centers? like for neglected animals and wildlife?
All that comes up is just human drug addict
Best answer:
Answer by wickedgirl1973
You can ask your local animal control for places or the local humane society or shelters.
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Pasadena Drug Rehab Center ASAP TREATMENT Los Angeles, California, CA – Pasadena Drug Rehab Center ASAP TREATMENT Los Angeles, California, CA. ASAP TREATMENT PROGRAM is a well-respected, established facility for drug, alcohol and…