drug rehab

Drug Treatment Recommendation?

Question by Mya J: drug treatment recommendation?
Does anyone have any recommendations for a rehab center in the Los Angeles area? I am a 28yr old female with no health insurance and have been using meth for 13yrs. I need help!! I would like to go to a fairly decent treatment center. Can anyone recommend one? Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by undrgrndwmn

That is a link for a treatment facilities search engine. You can search for sliding fee facilities. All of the facilities on the search engine are licensed and certified.

Good luck!

Is 30 Days of Drug Rehab Enough for an Addict ?

Question by saira k: Is 30 Days of Drug Rehab enough for an addict ?

Best answer:

Answer by D M
Everybodies addiction is different. Some people are ready to leave treatment after 21 days, some people end up staying months. The counselors at the treatment facility give thier reccomendation before any person is released.

The amount of education and therapy provided at treatment facilities is intense, a lot is packed into 30 days.

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Does Anyone Have Any New Information About ATTP?(Acute Thrombosesis Thrombotnec Purpura)?

Question by CocoChanel: Does anyone have any new information about ATTP?(Acute Thrombosesis Thrombotnec Purpura)?
I spent 3 months in the hospital, underwent 2 surgeries, all of my organs failed, so I endured round after round of dialasis & blood transfusions. Not that I knew, I was in a coma on full life support for 2 &1/2 of those 3 months. I received “Last Rites” TWICE because the doctors assumed I would not survive long enough for my parish priest to arrive,so the hospital chaplain came by, just in case. My mother had to tell my son(who had recently turned10)that Mommy was going to Heaven soon. FINALLY, with the excellent notes of my rheumatologist, a visiting hemotologist worked through the choaos created by the other doctors. He diagnoised my ATTP. I received 11 rounds of ferrisis & woke up 17 hours after the final treatment.
Wow, you have no idea how difficult this was for me to write…
My point is this, it’s been 5 long hard years of recovery & RESEARCH,so aside from my need to just release all of this out into the void. Does anyone have any new information? (sorry for any S&G errors)

Is Drug Rehab Effective for a Person With Addiction? and What Are the Services Offered by the Center?

Question by Mill Boon: Is drug rehab effective for a person with addiction? And what are the services offered by the center?
It’s because I want to enter my brother in a rehab center because of his addiction to cocaine. Also, can somebody give me an idea on how long the treatment process would probably take?

Best answer:

Answer by hypejack
Drug rehabilitation is the only way to treat addiction to a particular drug or substance. Cocaine addiction is a serious disease that needs comprehensive treatment process like detoxification, counseling and other addiction recovery program.

Is It True That There Are More Teens to Be Found in Drug Rehabilitation Centers Than Adults?

Question by delila f: Is it true that there are more teens to be found in drug rehabilitation centers than adults?
I have a friend who has just gotten out of inpatient rehabilitation and he has told me that there are a lot of other teens spending their time there. I was just wondering why this is.

Best answer:

Is the Drug Rehab Treatment Program Medically Based?

Question by Carina: Is the drug rehab treatment program medically based?

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
There is an advantage to including on-site medical care in a Drug Rehab. Physicians and nurses provide 24-hour hospital services to monitor and ensure a safe withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. In addition, a medical staff specializing in addiction medicine can oversee the progress of each individual and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

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