drug rehab

Describe the Treatment Options Available to Recovering Addicts of Marijuana.?

Question by Vote for Pedro !: Describe the treatment options available to recovering addicts of marijuana.?
haha please and thank you (:

Best answer:

Answer by Billy Driskell
rehab…. that is about it. i am a user of that substince and i am not addicted. i just use it for time to time as a recreational drug. like when i go out to a club with friends or something,
they can try to displace it by finding something else to do to fill time such as working or something like that.

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Has Anyone Seen the Rest of the Vanished Episodes on Line?

Question by hk2kds: Has anyone seen the rest of the Vanished episodes on line?
I watched Vanished while it was on TV but don’t have the ability to watch on-line. I’d love to know what happened. Please update me.

Best answer:

Why Do I Need Drug Rehab?

Question by Jessie J: Why do I need drug rehab?
I have been a drug user for a year and I haven’t told anyone about it. And if I do decide to get myself into a drug rehab, I would like to do it without anyone having to push me. I would like to learn about drug rehab – what it does, what the treatments are and where I can find one in Florida. Got any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Michael A
yep. by all means go in and give ’em a try. but it didn’t work with me.

Long Term Rehab Facility for Alcohol and Drugs.?

Question by Iris: Long term rehab facility for alcohol and drugs.?
My uncle is finally ready to try to stop his long term drug and alcohol abuse. He needs a long term facility. We want to give him an intervention because we all know he wont do the research himself. Can anyone throw me some names of facilities that have reputable results. It can be anywhere in the US. I appreciate any suggestions.

Best answer:

Answer by domsmom
try googling it i;m sure you will come up with many things

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Drug Rehab Facilities in Las Vegas?

Question by Lucy: Drug Rehab Facilities in Las Vegas?
Does anyone know of an in patient drug rehab facility in Las Vegas that offers free services or low cost services for non insured patients. My sister is a drug addict and my parents are in need of obtaining medical care but do not have any money. I’ve heard there might be some Christian facilies that offer low cost services.

Best answer:

Answer by Tink
The Salvation Army, Clark County

Easter Seals – where I live they offer drug and alcohol addiction support services, you’ll have to call the one near you – the finder is on the right of the page

Are Christian Drug Rehab Clinics Any Good?

Question by carl: Are Christian drug rehab clinics any good?
I’m afraid that they might not be versed in current psychological methods that are proven and may rely on magic, or an ‘outside’ source to do the work.

Best answer:

Answer by Kyle
They will employ all of the typical “scientifically-proven” methods of breaking addictions. They may incorporate God into the process (oh no!), but they’re usually also much cheaper than non-religious drug rehab.

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