drug rehab programs

Does Anybody Know if There Are Any Drug Treatment Programs Available in Carson City?

Question by vanessa: Does anybody know if there are any drug treatment programs available in Carson City?
I’m from Carson City, Nevada and I would like to know if I could find a drug treatment center here. My son Ethan has finally agreed to attend a treatment program to overcome his crystal meth addiction. He experienced the negative effects of the drugs to his body and he realized that there’s still hope for a better life. I’m so happy that he’s taking this step into changing his life for good. Please help us find a drug rehab. I want to have the old Ethan back.

Any Suggestions for Good Drug Rehab in Florida?

Question by Elysnoss: Any suggestions for good drug rehab in Florida?
I’m looking for a drug rehab in florida.
Any place that would let me bring along my laptop would be a definite win.
Any place that’ll allow 2 family members at the same rehab is also a plus but not as important.

Just looking for a decent place that would allow me to use my laptop sometimes.

Best answer:

Answer by WATCH DOG
This one will but if you live in north west Florida you may not want to travel.}{

N.J. Needle Exchange Still Successful, Officials Say: Reports

N.J. needle exchange still successful, officials say: reports

Filed under: drug treatment programs nj

Nearly 10,000 drug users have received clean syringes from needle exchange programs in five cities between 2007 and 2011, the state Health Commissioner Mary O'Dowd said the effort a success that should be continued, NJ.com reported. O'Dowd praised, in …
Read more on The Jersey Journal – NJ.com


Christie rejects bill that would have given immunity to those reporting overdoses

Filed under: drug treatment programs nj

Is Alcoholics Anonymous More Effective Than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?

Question by abnjim5: Is Alcoholics Anonymous more effective than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?
Much debate exists about which model is more effective in treating the problem of drug addiction. Some say AA is the only treatment that “works” while others choose the more human friendly non-religious CBT. AA uses rigid spiritual concepts based on their 12 steps and conducts their AA meetings on strict formats that were written seven decades ago. In AA “labels” like alcoholic are used which still holds a high degree of social stigmatism. Cognitive Behaviour programs like SMART (self-management and rehab treatment) sees substance abuse as a behaviour that can be changed, not a disease. CBT self-help methods are solidly based in comtemporary science and open discussions are encouraged. AA tells it members and “newcomers” that they need to find a higher power or god and relying on “self will” is bad and will lead to relapse.

What State Government Agency Funds Drug Rehab Centers?

Question by : What state government agency funds drug rehab centers?
I’m doing a report for my State and Local Government class and I can’t find what agency funds Drug and Alcohol rehab centers.

Best answer:

Answer by Olivia

Add your own answer in the comments!



TCCADA Celebrates National Recovery Month, Touts Benefits of Prevention

TCCADA celebrates National Recovery Month, touts benefits of prevention

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

“So this isn't a revolving door program that a lot of people might think,” he said. “A great majority are first-time admissions ever to any alcohol and drug treatment facility. “We've been providing health care services to folks in this community who …
Read more on The Times and Democrat


Addiction treatment sorely lacking

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs