drug rehab programs

Where Could I Find a Treatment Center for Addiction to Drugs in Texas or Oklahoma?

Question by jan e: Where could i find a treatment center for addiction to drugs in Texas or Oklahoma?

Best answer:

Answer by Sage
I have listed a website that has drug rehab centers in all 50 states.
I wish you well in your efforts.

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Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers – Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers drug free drug rehab teen drug rehab holistic drug rehab drug rehab programs drug addiction rehab inpat…


Help for Violent Teen With Drug Abuse Issues?

Question by Jamie M: Help for violent teen with drug abuse issues?
What kind of help is there for a teen who has major violence issues along with a drug problem? He has threatened my mom and dad (he lives with grandparents, both parents passed away) with violence (killing, beating). He refuses any type of therapy or rehab and they are concerned he will retaliate if they take him someplace. Is there a place that will force him to go through therapy and keep him “locked up” per se? My parents are scared for their lives but they want desperately to help him. They have contacted police and such but were told that because he is underage (almost 17) there is nothing they can do. I don’t understand why there isn’t more help out there for people going through situations like this. We are lost as to what to do. Any suggestions?

Drug Rehab Programs?

Question by MrSandman: Drug rehab programs?
Can you tell me if drug rehab programs are successful in the UK and what is the cost per week to the taxpayer or addict to receive treatment? I understand that the costs might be astronomical and unaffordable for your average person suffering from a drug addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Javaris
dude fukk rehab..keep smokin dat shizz

What do you think? Answer below!



Affordable Custom Southern California Drug Addiction Rehab – ANEW Rehab Services of Southern California offers affordable, luxury, custom rehab treatment for drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse | (800) 358-9902.

I Am a Veteran Will Medicare Pay for My Rehab for Alcohol?

Question by pepper: I am a veteran will medicare pay for my rehab for alcohol?

Best answer:

Answer by Comments247
nope, try selling all the cans of beer that you consume. It will probably cover the costs for a while.

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Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehab Programs – Sage Retreat at Hemet Valley Recovery Center S – Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehab Programs – Sage Retreat at Hemet Valley Recovery Center Stories of Hope Sage Retreat at Hemet Valley Recovery Center ,alcoho…


Where Can I Find Drug Rehab Centers?

Question by John Matthew: Where can I find drug rehab centers?
Looking for the best place for my little sister, she has a addiction to Methadone.

Best answer:

Answer by Mr Richard
You can find them all over the US and Canada. Check out 411rehab.com they are kinda like a 411 to help people find centers. I found a place for my wife when she was addicted to pain killers.

Call them at 1-855-411 7342 or 1-(855)-411-REHAB


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Drugs Are Ruining My Life, but Im Not Sure I Can Stop?

Question by escapethefatex3: drugs are ruining my life, but im not sure i can stop?
i’m in a drug rehab and im doing really well in there because they dont know, its a day program so when im going to have to give a urine i just tamper with my urine [putting hot water or a clean persons pee in a comdom and taking it to rehab] i’ve been using again since 3 weeks ago and most of the time im not sober, i’ll do any drug i can get my hands on, which is everything. i fear i might die. what should i do?