drug rehab program

Can a Person Who Was a Cocaine Addict Drink Alcohol Occasionally After Rehab?

Question by kat: Can a person who was a cocaine addict drink alcohol occasionally after rehab?
My husband is getting out of a 6 month drug rehab program on Friday. I want to know if it is ok to allow him to drink alcohol or not. Alcohol was never a problem foe him, cocaine was his only addiction. I do not drink very often. I will maybe have 1 or 2 drinks every couple of months. I just wanted to know if I should ban all alcohol from our home? I just need some guidance on this one. Serious, helpful answers please.

I Am Looking for a State Funded Rehab in Georgia?

Question by Deb: i am looking for a state funded rehab in georgia?
My daughter in law is in jail and has been ordered by a judge to attend a drug rehab program. they have no money and she desperately needs help for a meth addiction. we live in GA and I would appreciate any info you may know of. We are extremely concerned that she may may suicidal…so please if you know od any resources for her please, please write back ASAP. Thank you!!!

Best answer:

Investigative Reporter Turns Ear to Music Industry

Investigative reporter turns ear to music industry

Filed under: drug treatment centers in tennessee

The answer is that while I loved my time as an investigative reporter, especially when the work involved important stories such as patient deaths at the state's largest drug rehab center or the effect of concussions on child athletes, my life is …
Read more on The Tennessean


911 first responders, survivors getting cancer treatment – Obamacare outreach

Filed under: drug treatment centers in tennessee

Suboxone, an Addiction Treatment Drug, Seeps Into Ohio Prisons as Contraband

Suboxone, an addiction treatment drug, seeps into Ohio prisons as contraband

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Dr. Gregory Collins is an addiction psychiatrist at the Alcohol, Drug and Recovery Center at the Cleveland Clinic at Lutheran Hospital and the section head of the center. He said prisons in the future need to re-examine policies regarding Suboxone. He …
Read more on Plain Dealer


Denver council OKs bill that sets marijuana rules, regulations

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Where Can I Look Up Drug Rehab Programs in Virginia?

Question by capoeirakid: Where can I look up drug rehab programs in Virginia?
Okay, so my mom and her friend are starting a lfe coaching business. I’m going to help them by finding programs such as rehabs, support groups, charities, etc. for their clients. Right now, I’m helping them look for a rehab for this one kid who we think might potentially become a client and he’s addicted to marijuana. He’s looking for a rehab program that can help him. In order for the place to be able to help him, the place needs to be something like this:
1. He’s 17, so it needs to be a rehab for kids or kids and adults.
2. He has a felony charge and they’re appealing the charge, but they can’t do anything more about that until a few months from now, so it needs to accept kids with felony charges.
3. Preferably, it should be a live-in rehab.
4. A place with a lot of rules and structure would be best for this kid.
5. It would be best if the rehab is in or near Northern Virginia.
All of this is based on info my mom gave me about the kid. Don’t worry, I don’t know his name or anything like that. I was hoping that there’s a website or something where I can look up rehab programs by key words or something like that. Also, if you know of a rehab that will be good for him, please tell me. Thanks!
To buds: Do you know if Crosby Centers has a location in/near NoVa?
Does Crosby Centers accept people with felony charges?
Does Crosby Centers accept kids?
I looked for this info on the website, but I couldn’t find it.

What Questions Would You Like to Ask a Drug Addict?

Question by Michael Baylosis: What questions would you like to ask a drug addict?
What questions would you like to a drug addict? Thanks for the answers!

Best answer:

Answer by Nadja C
Any flowers on your grave. Anything you prefer, to make sure i got the right ones!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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