drug rehab program

Do You Know Where to Drug Rehab That Is Cheap or Free in Toledo Ohio?

Question by Teresia: do you know where to drug rehab that is cheap or free in toledo ohio?
it dont have to be in toledo ohio just near he is finally ready to check into one but we cant find one that is reasonable

Best answer:

Answer by thinker
leave him where he is

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



I Am Drugs Heroin – drug “free drug rehab” “teen drug rehab” “holistic drug rehab” “drug rehab programs” “drug addiction rehab” “inpatient drug rehab” “drug rehab treatment” “dr…

I Know Someone Who Is Addicted to Meth and Needs Help. How Much Does Inpatient/residential Drug Rehab Cost?

Question by Link: I know someone who is addicted to meth and needs help. How much does inpatient/residential drug rehab cost?

Best answer:

Answer by impurrfect10
It all depends if they have insurance and what type of insurance. Some will pay for the entire rehab and others will only pay for outpatient treatment. There are free clinics in most states. Call your local hospital and ask to talk to the social worker. They should be able to advise you on free or sliding scale rehab treatment programs. GL

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Drug Rehab Programs in California.(FREE)?

Question by Yo-Yo: Drug Rehab programs in California.(FREE)?
I was wondering if anyone knew of any.

My best friend’s mother was a meth addict a few years back and recently my friend(samantha) found meth in her house.
She says her mom has been acting differently and coming home at different hours of the night and sometimes not come home at all.

Samantha’s mother DENIES that she uses,but everyone in the family is certain she does.

A week ago samantha was reaching out for her cell phone while her mom and grandmother were arguing and she(her mom) kicked her!
It turned into an actual fist fight.
Samantha has a black eye now,she asked for my help,so here I am.

How Can I Become Drug Free?

Question by : How can i become Drug Free?
I am having a bad habit of the drug addiction and i want to quit but how..please help me out

and can you explain this step )- Understand drugs and situations that may arise


Best answer:

Answer by ???!Meghan!???
omg its so funny that you asked this question (not funny like stupid but funny like coincidence)
because im on abovetheinfluence.com. if you mean explain like what it means then, it means learn what drugs do to you and what they really are. i know i really didnt help that much but i hope i helped a little.\
good luck.

Is Possession of Small Amounts of Cocaine REALLY Legal in Portugal?

Question by m hughes: Is possession of small amounts of cocaine REALLY legal in Portugal?
(ref Portuguese drug act 2001) I mean, I told this to two different Portuguese friends of mine and they thought I was crazy. They said depending on the cop they can still throw you in the slammer (prison) take the dope off you and still charge you. Would it be different for foreigners because they wouldn´t be refered to a drug rehab program?

Best answer:

Answer by Andrey Travelo
No, it’s illegal.

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What Was the Name of the Classical Song That Was on That 80’s Commercial for an Alcohol Treatment Center?

Question by freshmode87: What was the name of the classical song that was on that 80’s commercial for an alcohol treatment center?
Does anyone remember that commercial from the 80’s for a drug and alcohol treatment center? They used to run the commercial constantly (at least in Southern Cal), I think the place was called Schick or New Beginnings. What was the name of the song that played in the background during the commercial? It is a very famous classical piece that sounds a lot like Canon D (the wedding song) but it’s not. They used it in the A&E show “Intervention” the other day so it appears to be synonymous with addiction and treatment. If you know it you’re a genius!