drug rehab program

Will SSI Pay for Drug Rehab?

Question by : Will SSI pay for drug rehab?
My father is disabled from health problems. He receives SSI as a result, which does not really cover his monthly living expenses. He is somewhat independent, but as a result of the injury, the government has placed me as his representative payee, meaning I have control of his finances. I do not, however, have control of his medical, or anything of that sort. He has become addicted to his prescription pain pills, and I am trying to figure out how to get him help.

Where Could I Find a Treatment Center for Addiction to Drugs in Texas or Oklahoma?

Question by jan e: Where could i find a treatment center for addiction to drugs in Texas or Oklahoma?

Best answer:

Answer by Sage
I have listed a website that has drug rehab centers in all 50 states.
I wish you well in your efforts.

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Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in NJ- Can It Be Avoided?

Question by Jody: Mandatory minimum sentencing in NJ- can it be avoided?
A dear friend of mine had to appear in court today on shoplifting & drug possession charges. His case was postponed because he had to apply for a public defender, because it’s his 3rd shoplifting charge and his 3rd drug charge so he is facing the possibility of mandatory minimum jail time. He is already on probation & parole for his previous charges in other towns, has successfully completed a community service program and is currently in an outpatient drug rehab program for probation 3 times a week. All of his charges are almost or over a year old; he completed a 6-month inpatient rehab program back in March and has been clean & sober for nearly 1 year now. He holds down a steady job and is very active & enthusiastic in a 12-step recovery fellowship, overall an extremely responsible & productive member of society today. So I guess my question is this: given the circumstances and the fact that he’s doing so well now, is there any way my friend could get his charges downgraded and/or avoid the mandatory minimum jail sentence (i.e. with more probation, community service etc)? I mean, would the PD be able to plea bargain it at all and/or would the prosecutor/judge have any kind of discretion whatsoever?

Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?

Question by jgroover85: Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?
I need to find a Inpatient Drug Rehab Program that has a payment program or price goes by your income. I have absolutely NO INSURANCE and i am not rich so i cant pay 20,000 for a program. I don’t need just a detox center, i need a detox center with a drug rehab program thatc’s inpatient. Please help i need help immediately and i am not rich. I will give 5 STARS to the best answer

Best answer:

Help for Violent Teen With Drug Abuse Issues?

Question by Jamie M: Help for violent teen with drug abuse issues?
What kind of help is there for a teen who has major violence issues along with a drug problem? He has threatened my mom and dad (he lives with grandparents, both parents passed away) with violence (killing, beating). He refuses any type of therapy or rehab and they are concerned he will retaliate if they take him someplace. Is there a place that will force him to go through therapy and keep him “locked up” per se? My parents are scared for their lives but they want desperately to help him. They have contacted police and such but were told that because he is underage (almost 17) there is nothing they can do. I don’t understand why there isn’t more help out there for people going through situations like this. We are lost as to what to do. Any suggestions?

Drug Rehab Programs?

Question by MrSandman: Drug rehab programs?
Can you tell me if drug rehab programs are successful in the UK and what is the cost per week to the taxpayer or addict to receive treatment? I understand that the costs might be astronomical and unaffordable for your average person suffering from a drug addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Javaris
dude fukk rehab..keep smokin dat shizz

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