drug possession

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in NJ- Can It Be Avoided?

Question by Jody: Mandatory minimum sentencing in NJ- can it be avoided?
A dear friend of mine had to appear in court today on shoplifting & drug possession charges. His case was postponed because he had to apply for a public defender, because it’s his 3rd shoplifting charge and his 3rd drug charge so he is facing the possibility of mandatory minimum jail time. He is already on probation & parole for his previous charges in other towns, has successfully completed a community service program and is currently in an outpatient drug rehab program for probation 3 times a week. All of his charges are almost or over a year old; he completed a 6-month inpatient rehab program back in March and has been clean & sober for nearly 1 year now. He holds down a steady job and is very active & enthusiastic in a 12-step recovery fellowship, overall an extremely responsible & productive member of society today. So I guess my question is this: given the circumstances and the fact that he’s doing so well now, is there any way my friend could get his charges downgraded and/or avoid the mandatory minimum jail sentence (i.e. with more probation, community service etc)? I mean, would the PD be able to plea bargain it at all and/or would the prosecutor/judge have any kind of discretion whatsoever?

Looking for a Pain Management Doctor?

Question by cherryabranet: looking for a pain management doctor?
Looking for a pain management doctor in illinois that takes the medical card??

Best answer:

Answer by chillinandworken
As crappy as this answer is, you best bet is probably pulling out the phone book and inquiring

What do you think? Answer below!



DuPage County Felony Drug Charge Attorney Illinois Drug Possession Lawyers Wheaton Drug Crime – www.dui-illinois.com 855-526-3384 If you’ve been charged with a Class X felony drug crime, you may be facing a strong and harsh sentence. Contact Norris & Ca…

Race and the Drug War…?

Question by Cappucino: Race and the drug war…?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S. Please read the article below by clicking the link before answering. *The font is small so you want to copy the whole article and put it on word and make it a larger font to read*

Do you think this is fair? Explain.


Best answer:

Does the Gov Keep Drugs Illegal So Prices Wont Drop & They Can Keep Finding Rooms Stacked With Untracable CASH

Question by #1Patriot: Does The Gov keep Drugs illegal So prices wont drop & they can keep finding Rooms Stacked with untracable CASH
The Gov. has admitted that the war on drugs can not be won and it is a well known fact that if drugs were legal most kids would not even try them to start (Loses the rebellion factor). Other countries have stopped spending $ Billions on enforcement and put that $ into education and treatment all but eliminating drug abuse in these counties. More than 1/2 of the people in American prisons are there on drug convictions,is there a link between the $ being made by those who build and supply the prisons and the donations they make to our law makers. Mexico was 1 day from legalizing small amounts of drug possession to stop all killing in there country, Bush called the President of Mexico and the next day that plan was scrapped, If you follow the $ who stands to lose the most after the Drug cartels who would be put out of biz if drugs were legal?

Does Anyone Know of Any Job Opportunites for People With Felony Convictions on Their Records?

Question by Stormygirl21302: Does anyone know of any job opportunites for people with felony convictions on their records?
My friend has 2 felony drug possessions on her record. They were back in 2004 & 2006. She has served time and willingly entered into a drug rehab program. Her and her son are trying to make a fresh start and she desperately needs a job. So does anyone have any suggestions? She is willing to work any shift. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by castaspella0183
Your friend could try to get into the food service. Have to put down the convictions, but then also say that she entered into a treatment program. Good luck to your friend

How Long Is the Prop36 Program in California?

Question by lazy: How long is the Prop36 program in California?
If you get charged with a misdemeanor drug possession and you get Prop36 how long with you be doing the program?

Best answer:

Prop 36 does not have a set time they evaluate the offender and then establish a treatment plan.~~

It means that Prop. 36 remains the state’s largest treatment-not-jail program, and that protecting its … 36. Check out this great poster that sums up just some of what Prop 36 …
http://www.prop36.org – Cached