drug overdose

Should Parents Be More Concerned About Weed or Prescription Drugs When It Comes to Their Children?

Question by Joe B: Should parents be more concerned about weed or prescription drugs when it comes to their children?
In today’s society from your personal opinion, which is more popular and which should the government be concerned about?

Clearly in the past it was weed, do you believe this should remain the focal point of the governments propaganda or should they shift to prescription drug abuse?

I know when I was a kid we had anti drug lessons in health but I don’t recall anything regarding prescription drugs.

Best answer:

Answer by rejectedsoul
both equally
both are illegal just the same

Spirituality Improves Outcomes for Teens in Rehab

Spirituality Improves Outcomes for Teens in Rehab

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

Outcomes assessed included urine toxicology screens, alcohol/drug craving symptoms, clinical characteristics, global psychosocial functioning, spiritual experiences and religious behaviors. Co-investigator Byron R. Johnson, Ph.D., said that “although …
Read more on PsychCentral.com


Los Angeles Treatment Center Opens Its Doors, Giving People Seeking Relief

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

Alcoholism, a disease that destroys individuals as well as families, is addressed through the substance abuse treatment center's programs. The program offers a collective style of treatment options for clients. Ultimately, its bottom line is to help …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Studies: Epidemic of Prescription-Painkiller ODs

Studies: Epidemic of prescription-painkiller ODs

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

Two new sets of statistics, one national and the other local, starkly illustrate an epidemic of prescription-drug overdoses, which have quadrupled since 1999 and suggest what may come next: a resurgence in heroin deaths. The national report, released …
Read more on Philly.com


Painkillers drug of choice in Seminole despite crackdowns

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

While arrest statistics are indeed declining, the number of those in treatment programs remains steady, said Craig Woolard, clinical director at The Grove Counseling Center in Longwood. "It's still very prevalent and people are still finding doctors …
Read more on Seminole Chronicle



Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Users of liberalism seek greater and greater highs to feed their drug-induced need for "purpose", and they must eventually turn to government and the money of others to help them assuage their extreme guilt and an emotional need to be relevant – to …
Read more on North Shore Now (blog)


Drug Overdoses on Rise in Virginia, Maryland

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Treatment Modules and Therapeutic Approaches for Inhalant Abuse: A Case

Treatment Modules and Therapeutic Approaches for Inhalant Abuse: A Case

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

If symptoms develop, the limited literature suggests benzodiazepines should be the first line of drug used to treat those symptoms.11. Patients rarely present for the treatment of inhalant use, so other substance abuse and psychiatric comorbidity are …
Read more on Healio


Son's heroin death prompts dad to seek HIPAA rule change

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

DiGirolamo Pitches Bills to Help Curb Drug Overdoses

DiGirolamo pitches bills to help curb drug overdoses

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

DiGirolamo, R-18, has authored two bills that deal with drug abuse. The first, House Bill 317, would create a prescription drug registry to help prevent patients from shopping doctors and pharmacies to abuse addictive drugs. The second, House Bill 1627 …
Read more on phillyBurbs.com


Prescription drugs: Don't dismiss use

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help