I Need to Find an Intensive Inpatient Drug Rehabilitation Program for a 24 Year Old Male That Has No Income?
Question by visjac: I need to find an Intensive Inpatient Drug rehabilitation program for a 24 year old male that has no income?
He is from the Chicagoland area and has no job or health insurance. He is in desperate need of help but cannot afford these “hollywood” type treatment facilities. Where could he go for help? Anyone???
Best answer:
Answer by bluekitty1984
Call CRC Health in Chadds Ford PA and see what they recommend
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Can doctors use hearsay to defend medical liability claims?
Par-Troy Leaders Come Together to Fight Drug Abuse
Par-Troy Leaders Come Together to Fight Drug Abuse
Filed under: drug addiction facts
Kinsey said the drug abuse can lead to other crimes when the abuser has to come up with money to pay for his or her next fix. The crimes can range from people stealing jewelry, video games and even baby formula from family members to residential …
Read more on Patch.com
Scientology Helping Reverse Drug Abuse in Taiwan Before it Begins
Filed under: drug addiction facts
Par-Troy Leaders Come Together to Fight Drug Abuse
Par-Troy Leaders Come Together to Fight Drug Abuse
Filed under: drug addiction facts
Kinsey said the drug abuse can lead to other crimes when the abuser has to come up with money to pay for his or her next fix. The crimes can range from people stealing jewelry, video games and even baby formula from family members to residential …
Read more on Patch.com
Scientology Helping Reverse Drug Abuse in Taiwan Before it Begins
Filed under: drug addiction facts
Center for Drug Dependents Opens
Center for drug dependents opens
Filed under: drug addiction help centers
Fanugao said the Outpatient and Aftercare Center for Drug Dependents has many support groups composed of different families who have a drug dependent family member who will help in spreading the advocacy of their program. "We are confident that the …
Read more on Sun.Star
Siva still writing his amazing tale
Filed under: drug addiction help centers
Jack Klugman's Secret, Lifesaving Legacy
Jack Klugman's secret, lifesaving legacy
Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston
The situation was especially tragic because scientists who discovered promising treatments often couldn't interest drug makers, who didn't see potential for profit. The issue of orphan diseases was so obscure that only a single newspaper, the Los …
Read more on Washington Post (blog)
Steinway, BPZ, Smith & Wesson are market movers
Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston
Hep C Patient Pleads With Province to Provide New Drug
Hep C patient pleads with province to provide new drug
Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers
Craigie has hepatitis C. The Cambridge woman admits she was an injection drug addict for many years and shared needles. But after a friend died of a drug overdose and Craigie was diagnosed with … But they must show at least Stage 2 liver scarring or …
Read more on Waterloo Record
New substance abuse center to offer adolescent program in Tucson
Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers