drug dealer

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for College?

Question by bagelz: Funny persuasive speech topics for college?
I have to give a persuasive speech, and I want to do something funny and out there without being controversial or crude. I have looked at various websites & am not just finding the right thing.
I have been thinking along the lines of “Why you should tell her if her butt looks fat in those jeans” and “why you should believe its not butter” or something like that.
Suggestions would be appreciated.

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Rise of the Falcon

Rise of the Falcon

Filed under: drug addiction help in maine

It's not uncommon for a wealthy Portlander to support a struggling artist with commissions or grants. And a litany of developers have made … Molly Maine, who just moved out, based her paintings on European folklore during the Black Death; most …
Read more on Willamette Week


Boeing worker mentors 'Barefoot Bandit' in prison

Filed under: drug addiction help in maine

Preventive Therapy

Preventive therapy

Filed under: drug rehab centers in las vegas

The other defendant, the physician who performed the procedures at Sapse's bidding — on some 34 people in Las Vegas — knew “that it would not benefit the patients”. The pair “conducted no meaningful follow-up with the patients who underwent the …
Read more on Nature.com


Is Christopher Dorner, Larry Davis Reincarnated?

Filed under: drug rehab centers in las vegas

The Addiction and Cost of Social Media

The Addiction and Cost of Social Media

Filed under: drug addiction help online

when connecting with friends or colleagues in social networks? Social media is like a drug; just a little taste and we can't help but want more. Social networks are the drug dealers; they facilitate our addiction to this gateway drug with one-click …
Read more on Huffington Post


DEA/SEMO Drug Task Force speak on dangers of abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help online

State Narcotics Official: Legalizing Pot 'stupid'

State narcotics official: Legalizing pot 'stupid'

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

Daylin Leach, D-Montgomery/Delaware, has introduced legislation to legalize marijuana, the regional director of the Attorney General's Office's Bureau of Narcotics Investigation doesn't agree. "I am no scientist, but I have a lot of experience on the …
Read more on Altoona Mirror


Missing Lower Merion Police Officer found dead

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

Do Prostitutes and Drug Dealers Have to File a Yearly Tax Return?

Question by : Do prostitutes and drug dealers have to file a yearly tax return?
I understand that both professions are illegal. Irregardless though, should the income they make still have to be reported and taxes paid on it? If someone is arrested for making money through selling drugs, and it can be proven that this person has been doing it for a while, then can the IRS also come after them? It would be hard to prove how much money they made, but that truth also applies to cab drivers and other commission-based jobs, but even employees in those jobs are expected to keep records on what they made and pay taxes on it.