drug court

Court of Appeal President Tells Bleijie: I've Been Involved With the Law

Court of Appeal president tells Bleijie: I've been involved with the law

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

"Politicians seem to have grasped this. In America the number of new mandatory sentences enacted by Congress has fallen. "In the Netherlands and Switzerland hard-drug addiction is being reduced by treatment rather than punishment,'' The Economist said.
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Watertown man sentenced to 4½ years in prison for cocaine sale

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

What Are Some Movies About Losing Everything?

Question by : What are some movies about losing everything?
I’m looking for some movies about someone who falls from grace and loses everything either due to drug addiction or substance abuse. Possibly about someone who starts drinking and beings to use other drugs until they’ve lost everything, or about someone successful whose life spirals out of control. If the movie ends with them finding religion that would be even better. I can’t seem to find anything quite what I’m looking for. The movie Cocaine Angel is about as close as I can get.

Best answer:

Survivor Overcomes Childhood Sexual, Physical Abuse

Survivor overcomes childhood sexual, physical abuse

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

As is often the case, Russom could have easily fallen into drug addiction or other destructive behavior. “It had the real potential to ruin my life. But I didn't let it. I chose to rise above it,” she said. At 25, she's now happily married and uses her …
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Winona County's drug court offers intensive way to help offenders get clean

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

County Studies Need for Prevention Program as Commercial Sex Industry Moves

County studies need for prevention program as commercial sex industry moves

Filed under: drug abuse help

The prostitution prevention program would be similar to the state's drug courts. Any prostitute arrested would be given the chance to clear his or her record by receiving counseling services related to sex addiction, sexually transmitted diseases …
Read more on El Paso Times


Into Action Treatment Sponsors NOPE Annual Candlelight Vigil

Filed under: drug abuse help

Martinuk: Porn Is Poisoning Our Youth and Their Future Sex Lives

Martinuk: Porn is poisoning our youth and their future sex lives

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Some teen boys told him that their lives were now consumed by pornography addiction. While Daubney was shocked at the extent of the problem, and the ease with which kids conversed about even the crudest and most vulgar notions of sex, his experiences …
Read more on Calgary Herald


CHART Group Hosts Program Here On Substance Abuse

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Addiction Treatment Helpline Opens Its Doors at a New Office in Boston

Addiction Treatment Helpline Opens Its Doors at a New Office in Boston

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

The Addiction Treatment Helpline is pleased to announce the opening of its newest office located at 8 Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston, Massachusetts. The Addiction Treatment Helpline currently serves the New England and Upper Atlantic states with a …
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Event opens eyes on abuse of pain killers

Filed under: drug abuse treatments