drug court

What Is the Drug Addiction Treatment Act?

Question by laurafisher72: What is the drug addiction treatment act?

Best answer:

Answer by The Hump
most signifcantly, it extends the privilege of drug treatment records beyond that of other medical/mental health records. it makes it almost impossible to discover these records unless you have waiver or a court order. as far as privilege is concerned, junkies are the most protected class in th US. people don’t realize this, but even federal/state criminal law treats drug addicts more favorably than others. so, if a judge ever asks you if you are on drugs you should always say yes. if they offer treatment, take it. it will help you avoid jail or at least get you out sooner.

More Information About Drug Treatment Programs Law Offenders in Avon, New Jersey Went Through?

Question by aubrie a: More information about drug treatment programs law offenders in Avon, New Jersey went through?
I’m writing a pseudo-fiction book about the lives of drug users and pushers here in NJ, and I wonder what happened to them when they were admitted in rehab centers. The information I got from our local health office were not sufficient. Please help me.

Best answer:

Answer by colleen68_2001
took my daughter to rehab 3 x…. last time finally stuck. but i’m in pa

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Can I Request That My Ex Go Thru Rehab Before He Is Awarded Visitation?

Question by love my kids!: Can i request that my ex go thru rehab before he is awarded visitation?
My ex is wanting to get visitation but he has a bad drug addiction to marijuana and extacy pills. I want to make sure he is clean before he is allowed alone with my daughter.

I live in illinois

Will the court do supervised visitation or will they just deny visitation all together because of his drug addiction?… is it possible I can ask them to make him do a drug a test to prove he is on drugs? Because im sure he is going to deny it

Christie Courts Mandatory Treatment for Drug Offenders

Christie Courts Mandatory Treatment for Drug Offenders

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment

Chris Christie is proposing what might sound like a counterintuitive strategy to address the revolving door of drug abuse, crime and prison. He wants to expand the state's drug court, where substance-addicted, nonviolent offenders voluntarily enter …
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Drug abuse & addiction a rising concern in Tippecanoe County

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment