Sunday Dialogue: How We Punish Crime
Sunday Dialogue: How We Punish Crime
Filed under: drug addiction help now
A few states are now realizing that they can cut prison sentences (and thus, costs) without sacrificing public safety. Reforms include … With continued reform, an American prison system that shocked Dickens in 1842 for its cruelty could finally begin …
Read more on New York Times
Litte Falls mother, daughter voice concern over drug abuse
Filed under: drug addiction help now
Our View: McHenry County Drug Court a Big Success
Our view: McHenry County Drug Court a big success
Filed under: drug addiction
These are individuals who have had several run-ins with law enforcement for one reason: drug abuse. Most of the offenders report heroin addiction. Illegal drug use is a criminal problem and addiction is a societal problem, both of which need to be …
Read more on Northwest Herald
ARS and Pacific Clinics Drug Abuse and Addiction Forum Offers Facts and Hope
Filed under: drug addiction
Aaron Suchanek Sentenced for Role in Fake Drug Prescription Ring
Aaron Suchanek sentenced for role in fake drug prescription ring
Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison
A Lebanon man charged in a multi-county drug prescription ring was sentenced Friday to a state drug-treatment program. Aaron Suchanek, 34, was sentenced by … Suchanek will serve seven months in state prison. That time will include at least four …
Read more on Lebanon Daily News
million from grant, reimbursements to help alleviate drug court's growing pains
Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison
Looking for Help for My Drug Addict?
Question by dkcasad: Looking for Help for my Drug Addict?
I have a son who has struggled with drug addiction, choice of drug is/was oxycontin. He is now in jail after some very poor choices and will be spending time in prison. He is 24. I am in Indiana and am looking for an organization that might be able to help me at his sentencing with information on these evil prescription drugs and what they are doing to our children. My son did not commit the crime, my drugged out son did. He once was a star basketball player and a 3.0 student. Please only serious inquires that want to help or have information that can connect me with the right people.
correction- I meant serious responses not serious inquires, typo.
TV, Radio Program to Combat Addiction
TV, radio program to combat addiction
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
LANCASTER — A local pastor said he hopes a new television and radio program he created — “Road to Recovery” — will be beneficial in informing viewers of where they can find help if they or a loved one are struggling with drug addiction. “Road to …
Read more on Lancaster Eagle Gazette
Hawkins County judge wants to start new 'Recovery Court'
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
What Happened to Demi Lovato? Is She Ok?
Question by M&M girl: What happened to Demi Lovato? is she ok?
Sooo i have been hearing that Demi Lovato has been doing drugs like cocaine and was sent to rehab is this true or what?
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