I Am Looking for Information on How Drug Addiction Treatments in Sullivan, Maine Work.?
Question by arlyn r: I am looking for information on how drug addiction treatments in Sullivan, Maine work.?
I’m working on a TV-movie script about the life of a drug rehab patient. I think it will be more realistic if I include some information about drug treatment programs and how they are conducted. I hope you can help me.
Best answer:
Answer by crazychic
u mean drug “deaddiction” treatments?? 🙂
Sorry no clue
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Child Abuse Laws in Illinois/mostly in Florida?
Question by Tiny: Child Abuse Laws in Illinois/mostly in Florida?
My boyfriends sister is a horrid mother. She’s 20years old and just had her second child 2 days ago. To make the story short.. she’s a druggie. She used drugs during her first pregnancy and the baby then had drugs in its system and now it has happened again with the baby she just had now.
I was wondering what can I do to either take these kids away from her (I will adopt them) or lock her up/put in a institute. I’ve heard in some states they can by law since she is endangering herself and is an unfit mother and has children like its nothing and still does drugs can make her have a procedure/surgery that she cant have babies anymore.
Illinois DCFS Punishing Me and My Children for Drug Charge Husband Has Not Even Been Convicted of Yet?
Question by : Illinois DCFS punishing me and my children for drug charge husband has not even been convicted of yet?
My husband recently was put in the hospital with heart attack symptoms, and I thought he would die. Turns out he had gotten ahold of meth and he didn’t realize it until it was too late. Well, 10 minutes after he had checked out of the hospital and we got home, the police banged at my door and made my husband and I step outside. The next thing the officers told us was a DCFS worker was on her way. I immediately got freaked out and almost vomited on the spot. I did not know what to do or think. The police then proceeded to make us sign search warrants to search our small apartment. My husband was asked if there was anything in the house , he said no, and they searched for 2 hours or so, then asked to bring in third officer, and he was here 10 minutes tops and claims to have found residue of meth on a baggie in our small bathroom. Obviously husband goes to jail,and DCFS makes us sign safety plan or my kids get taken away when husband hasnt been convicted yet!!! Now he is out of jail and because he even went there, the worker made us sign ANOTHER SAFETY PLAN which is longer than the first, or kids are to go with her. husband has only 2 hour visits a day with the kids and cannot even live in our own home. I am not even in this accusation, yet I have to suffer with their abuse, and I want them to disappear!!!!!! any help out there??? We havent got alot of money, and everyone I know keeps throwing at me to get a lawyer, not a public defender, but criminial defense attroneys do not come cheap. Is there a way to get DCFS out of my life when I am not the accused, and I also feel my husband should be able to live in our home unless he fails their drug tests. THEY ARE ABUSING US, AND ESPECIALLY ME AND MY KIDS. Please help if there is any available.