drug and alcohol rehabilitation

IS THis a Relapse?

Question by Marty N: IS THis a Relapse?
This person has had (I would think) a drinking problem/alcoholic. Been to jail for dui, been on several month long drunks. Had to go to the hospital and get detoxed.
Now she says Bill Wilson is bullshit. The entire modern theologhy of “alcoholic” is not correct. She has had total success with drinking for a month. 3-4 drink limits, no problems. IS she right and found a way, or is this a relapse?
P.S. in the past one drink put her on a serious drunk.
This controlled drining started AFTER all the detox, legal problems, very intense non-partial study of AA and the like minded. And AFTER no drinking for 8-months. It seems as though she has turned it around. A thing in my opinion according to AA is not possible. I have talke to her in much detail about this. Everything I am witnessing is proving that she may have done the impossible. This chick was a true alcoholic as defined by AA according to me.

What Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Do?

Question by : what drug and alcohol rehabilitation center Do?

Best answer:

Answer by James Ronn
They provide treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.They follow their program in various steps.Some one told me about an rehab centre
http://www.drugandalcoholrehabhouston.com which usses different types of treatment programs for addictions.And by this life of an addictions gets fine .

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Are There Any Available Addiction Treatment Programs in Iowa?

Question by lito lapid: Are there any available addiction treatment programs in Iowa?
We were given an assignment about people who are addicted to drugs. I’m really interested in the assignment and I figured that it will be better if I conduct interviews to make my paper really authentic. I’m planning to interview people who are currently receiving treatment because I want to know the reasons why they decided to get some help. Interviews with the therapists and the counselors won’t hurt either. Please help. Thanks.

Best answer:

Does the Government Assist/subsidize Programs, Medication, Housing for Bipolar Disorder? (In Chicago)?

Question by theidiotsdonttellyouwhy: Does the government assist/subsidize programs, medication, housing for bipolar disorder? (in Chicago)?
I am in Chicago, in my 20s, unable to work because of the bad economy though I have a degree. So I can’t afford my bipolar medication. This has led me to relapse. I also don’t have a place to live. Is there a program out there that has free/reduced medication, therapy, housing? Anyone? Any help is appreciated.

Best answer:

The Note's Must-Reads for Wednesday, CHRISTMAS, 2013

The Note's Must-Reads for Wednesday, CHRISTMAS, 2013

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

… enroll by December 23? We can still help you get covered,” the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid explained that individuals could reach out to a network of federally-sponsored call centers around the country any day this week besides Christmas Day …
Read more on ABC News (blog)


Detox, rehabilitation center at Hillside is first in Monroe County

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Mental Healty Treatment Facility?

Question by barbaraissa: Mental Healty Treatment Facility?
Anyone know of a recovery center that deals with dual diagnosis but mostly the mental health part? Any that I find cost $ 30k+…….that’s enough to drive anyone crazy…sorry, bad joke!

I hear that the mental health care system here in Arizona is just about the worst. We’re willing to send our son (20) anywhere in the US if that place can actually help him but can’t find a place that’d be a great match for him. Dr’s have been trying for 2 years but so far, no balance for this terrific young man. Any suggestions?…………. no stupid replys please!!!!