Should I Report a 13 Year Old Drug User?
Question by ?: Should I report a 13 year old drug user?
He was doing weed. Can you say WHY you think your answer because I know people say weed is less dangerous than alcohol and wouldn’t report someone for drinking but it’s an illegal drug and he’s underage
Best answer:
Answer by ??????
No. You should go to him and tell him that he needs to tell his mother, and if he doesn’t, you will. Don’t get him involved in the judicial system until you give him a chance to straighten it out at home.
Why Is It That Christians Resort to Lying in Order to Convert Others to Their Religion?
Question by sweety strawberry: Why is it that Christians resort to lying in order to convert others to their religion?
I’ve heard countless times many christians claiming that there are a lot of homosexuals that have been healed by God, and are no more homosexuals. That’s a big fat lie, homosexuality is not a disease and therefore cannot be healed. Another popular line they desperately like to throw is, “I once was an Atheist like you, but now I’ve found the truth…blah blah blah”.
Isn’t there a verse in the Bible that says something like, “thou shalt not lie”?
Do the People Who Have Drug Problems Get Into Trouble?
Question by Guppy: Do the people who have drug problems get into trouble?
Isn’t possessing or being on certain drugs illegal? Then if you go to a drug rehabilitation center or such for using those drugs, wouldn’t you get into trouble?
Best answer:
Answer by TB2
Most of them don’t enter rehab until after they’re already in trouble.
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The Significance of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers 1-855-602-5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Your Area The Value of Dr…
Can I Go to Rehab if I Am Not a Drug Addict or Alcoholic?
Question by bre: Can I go to rehab if i am not a drug addict or alcoholic?
Im 14 and i have a bad addiction….but not drugs or alchohal so can i still go to a rehab? in Florida
how about cutting
Best answer:
Answer by J B
First, it depends what the addiction happens to be. Next, if it is an unusual addiction, then there may be only a few places that have people trained to treat your particular addiction. You have to go for treatment where there are professionals trained in your specific addiction.
I’m a Thief, Can Anyone Tell Me Where I Can Get Some Rehab?
Question by magician668: I’m A Thief, Can Anyone Tell Me Where I can Get Some Rehab?
I noticed a while back that I have a problem with stealing. I guess it’s the rush I get when I do it. I convince myself I need (or want something) so bad that I have to steal it. I want to get some rehab help, here in North Carolina, but the only things I can find are Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers. Where do I find some help?
Best answer:
Answer by ROMNEY2012
not sure about rehab, but u might be able to get a job with the obama administration
What Is the General/simple Definition of Business Culture?
Question by jdm: What is the general/simple definition of business culture?
what should the business culture for a drug rehab facility be?
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